~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== RPLCamCopyPosAndRot ====== RPLCamCopyPosAndRot ===== Description ===== Causes the internal values of rplcam position and rotation to copy the current values of the camera's position and rotation. In other words: when the camera is set to RPL mode, it will inherit the current rotation and position of the camera at the time this API was called. If this is not done or addressed with [[4rpl:commands:setrplcamposition|SetRPLCamPosition]] / [[4rpl:commands:setrplcamrotation|SetRPLCamRotation]], then the camera will be located at (0,0,0) facing North once RPL Cam is activated. ===== Examples ===== RPLCamCopyPosAndRot RPLCamCopyPosAndRot SetRPLCam(true) RPLCamTweenLookAt(GetRPLCamPosition V3(40 0 60) 0.6) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]