~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== PlaySoundLoop ====== PlaySoundLoop(<-soundName <-volume <-unit) ===== Description ===== Plays a sound loop and attaches to the specified unit. The volume ranges from 0 to 1. The sound will play based on the location of the unit (if the unit moves the sound moves with it). The loop will autoterminate if the unit is destroyed.\\ See [[Sounds]] for a list of sounds. Note: Subsequent calls of PlaySoundLoop on the same unit will have no affect. First use [[StopSoundLoop]] then apply the new sound/volume. ===== Examples ===== PlaySoundLoop("SoundName" 1 self) ==== Usage note ==== The "Pulsing Ambience" sound is used on the main menu. Playback volume of this sound is NOT regulated by the volume on the PlaySoundLoop API, but by the volume setting for "Menu Music Volume" in the game settings. The sound volume is not affected by whether the sound is muted or unmuted on the main menu, only by the volume level. === See Also === * [[StopSoundLoop]] * There is a [[cw4:4rpl_tools#looping_sound_player|sound sampler script]] in the [[cw4:4rpl_tools|Tools]] section of the wiki. * <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]