~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] * [[4rpl:commands:GetThemeTextureLightBoost|Get]] * [[4rpl:commands:SetThemeTextureLightBoost|Set]] ====== GetThemeTextureLightBoost ====== GetThemeTextureLightBoost(<-terrainLevel) ->lightBoost ===== Description ===== Gets the current theme's light boost for the specified level. Terrain levels range from 1 to 20. The light boost is a number that gets multiplied with the light color before the light is applied to the texture. The default value for the boost is 1, so it makes no changes to the color. When the value is set to 2 (what the theme editor sets the value to when '2X intensity' is checked), the light color gets doubled. The resulting light, when multiplied with the texture, can produce a resulting color that is brighther than the SDR color range. If the game has the bloom effect enabled, the resulting texture will appear to glow at any pixels whose resulting color is greater than '1'. Values can be any floating point value, but values of 1 and 2 are most common and what the theme editor in the game works with. ===== Examples ===== trace(GetThemeTextureLightBoost(1)) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]