~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== GetPointerTerrainCoords ====== GetPointerTerrainCoords ->cellZ ->cellX ===== Description ===== Gets the map cell coordinates current pointed at by the game pointer (the mouse). A ray projection is done from the pointer through the 3D world and a collision is checked at each terrain height level. So this API will return the location on the map surface that the pointer is pointing towards. :NOTE: The returned coordinates are floats, not integers. If you wish to use this API to obtain cell coordinates rather than world-space, use the [[4rpl:commands:ceil|Ceil]] operator to round into an integer.\\ This API also works outside the map boundaries. ===== Examples ===== ShowTerrainRangeIndicator(GetPointerTerrainCoords 10 false) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]