~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] :!: Available in version 2.0 and later. ====== GetMeshHealth ====== GetMeshHealth(<-cellX <-cellZ) ->health ===== Description ===== Returns the mesh health value for a given cell.\\ If mesh does not exist at the cell, 0 is returned.\\ If mesh exists but is in the un-grown state (gray), then a value between -1000000 and -1 is returned indicating how grown the mesh is. -1000000 is the most ungrown and -1 is at the point of completion.\\ If the mesh is grown then a value between 1 and 1000000 is returned. 1000000 is full health and 1 is at the point of destruction. ===== Examples ===== trace(GetMeshHealth(100 50)) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]