<=[[4rpl:start| Index]] \\
<=[[4rpl:start#creeper| Creeper]]
* [[4rpl:commands:AddCreeper|Add]]
* [[4rpl:commands:GetCreeper|Get]]
* [[4rpl:commands:SetCreeper|Set]]
====== GetCreeper ======
GetCreeper(<-cellX <-cellZ) ->creeperAmt
===== Description =====
Gets the creeper amount at the specified integer map coordinates. A value of 0 means no creeper. A negative value indicates anticreeper.
The amount returned is a floating point number where 1 represents creeper that has a height of 1 terrain unit.
Note: Invalid coordinataes will return 0 (zero).
===== Examples =====
GetCreeper(42 23) ->creeper
<=[[4rpl:start| Index]]