~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]\\ <= [[4rpl:start#Unit]] ====== CreateUnitOnTerrain ====== CreateUnitOnTerrain(<-CmodUID <-cellX <-cellZ <-initParams) ->unitUID ===== Description ===== Creates a unit from a CMOD UID (GUID)((You can get the GUID from within the CPACK manager. GUIDs are unique to each custom unit and never change.)) or from an internal unit name((See [[4rpl:commands:unit_types|UnitTypes]] for a list of these names.)). initParams is a table that contains a set of variables that will be set on the newly created unit. See GetUnitSettings for a list of the data names that can be specified in the initData table when creating built in units. The unit will be placed on the terrain at the supplied terrain cell coordinates. The lower left corner of the map is 0,0 (0:0) and the top right is mapWidth,mapLength. The unit will be placed at a height (the Y position) based on the terrain height at the specified coordinates. The unit UID will be pushed to the stack. If the unit can not be created, -1 is pushed to the stack. See [[CreateUnit]] for more details. ===== Examples ===== "abcdefgh1234567" ->cmodUID CreateUnitOnTerrain(<-cmodUID 42 23 0) ->unitUID === See Also === * [[4rpl:commands:CreateUnit]] <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]