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cw4:cpack:docs:f3d1b56c-fb68-49a9-909e-54931da7635d [2022/10/26 13:11] – [Functionalities (Global Scripts)] Version note removed Vertucw4:cpack:docs:f3d1b56c-fb68-49a9-909e-54931da7635d [2025/03/11 15:23] (current) – Minor updates Vertu
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 <=[[cw4:cpack:vpac_wiki_page| VPAC Wiki Page]]\\ <=[[cw4:cpack:vpac_wiki_page| VPAC Wiki Page]]\\
 [[|VPAC CPACKs download location.]]\\ [[|VPAC CPACKs download location.]]\\
 +MAJOR UP- Ok forget listing,\\
 ====== VPAC Main - Vertu  ====== ====== VPAC Main - Vertu  ======
-The VPAC Main provides the essentials and basics of Play As Creeper. Each unit has been heavily refined, partially redone, and partially overhauled to maximize their qualityOne such quality is being able to have [[cw4:cmod:docs:1528a943-94a1-4403-9c8f-65b3e819ee32|Launchers]] hold fire, a quality I was shocked to find lacking in the normal PAC [[cw4:cmod:docs:1528a943-94a1-4403-9c8f-65b3e819ee32|Launcher]].+The VPAC Main provides the essentials and basics of Play As Creeper. Compared to standard PAC (VPAC Main's ancestor), everything here has been "completed"Examples being the addition of the ability for [[cw4:cmod:docs:1528a943-94a1-4403-9c8f-65b3e819ee32|Launchers]] to hold fire and the rebuild system including terraforming (ability to rebuild land from say, [[cw4:info:shattered_land|Shattered Land]] dissolved by Creep).
 ===== Units (CMODS) in this CPACK ===== ===== Units (CMODS) in this CPACK =====
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   * [[cw4:cmod:docs:05b055d8-9cfd-4a14-8bcc-dffac30ce60d|LURE]]   * [[cw4:cmod:docs:05b055d8-9cfd-4a14-8bcc-dffac30ce60d|LURE]]
-===== Functionalities (Global Scripts) ===== +==== Pre unit runtime scripts ==== 
-:WARNING: Currently the displayed text for how much power each unit uses **DOES NOT UPDATE TO CHANGES MADE IN SCRIPTS!** For example: if you set the Crimsonator to use anything other than 2 power, the display text will not state the Crimsonator uses that amount of power but still as 2 power! You will have to fix this yourself until this is resolved in a future VPAC Version. +<tabbox POWER SYSTEM> 
-==== Pre Gameload Global Scripts ==== +This script runs while paused to manage how much power you have. It evaluates the current amount of power available to the player.\\ 
-<tabbox ERNManager>+The power use of all VPAC units currently on map and the bonus available power from sayabducting ERNs with the [[cw4:cmod:docs:05b746db-9ccf-484c-9a5f-5cd3d49a844f|NEXUS]] and destroying [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]], is calculated here as a sort of final destination. This is using a global list as an unfinished equation where each CPACK wanting to change the available power can insert their change into an index. This is really just having slots for a summation where each slot represents the desired power change by a specific CPACK and POWER SYSTEM just adds these desired changed together to produce the final "Available Power". This ensures that each CPACK handles their own problems, their own gimmicks, and their own units, in their own way. Division of responsibility you can say.\\ 
 +The indexes used for the summation are [1000] - [1008]. 1006, 1007, & 1008 are currently not being used but are still within the array in the event a new source of power modifiers are introduced in a separate CPACK. This means you can create your own separate CPACK to "chip-in" to the power calculation quite easily.
-A simple script that runs while paused to manage how much power you have. The "ERN" part and anything referring to ERNs as power is legacy as ERN power has been replaced by wireless power which can come from many sources.\\ +POWER SYSTEM is also responsible for the power display which includes the power use of all VPAC units.\\ 
-This script uses the Global List to consolidate all power modifiers into a single array which is then evaluated to determine how much power the player is using and has access to. Indexes 1000 - 1008 are intended for this. 1006, 1007, 1008 are currently not being used but are still within the array in the event a new source of power modifiers are introduced in a separate CPACK.\\ +The display uses the ADA Message"Display" (case sensitive) with a background image of 4 (not opaque).\\ 
-The script is also responsible for the display which is intended to be from an ADA Message named "Display" (case sensitive) with a background image of 4. The list of units is color coded to the build tabs they reside in and the order they are within those tabs, listed from left-right, top-bottom.+The list of units is color coded to the build tabs they reside in and the order they are within those tabs, listed from left-right, top-bottom. This display is also dynamically generated where POWER SYSTEM will detect if other VPAC CPACKs are present. So if you only have VPAC Main, the display will only show the power costs of VPAC Main units. Every combination of CPACKs is accounted for, which also makes editing it a bit of a nightmare as it has not yet been generalized (and may never be).\\ 
 +The display also supports language toggles for French and Spanish though Role Play Controller handles this.
-  * Starting_ERNS: (Any Integer) How much power you start with. +  * STARTING_POWER: (Float) How much power you start with. This is the baseline amount of power the player has. It will have all modifiers from the Global List added to it
-  * Power_Suppressor_Release_Power: (Any Integer) How much power is gained from destroying a [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressor]].+  * Power_Suppressor_Release_Power: (Float) How much power is gained from destroying a [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressor]].
   * Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED: (0 or 1) A toggle for an exponential increase in gained power from destroying [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]].   * Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED: (0 or 1) A toggle for an exponential increase in gained power from destroying [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]].
-  * Expon_Suppressor_Release_Factor: (Any Float) How much the destroyed quantity of [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] are raised by when Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED is toggled on. I do not recommend changing this value from 1.2 as it means when 15 [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] are destroyed, the player will have 25 additional power. When more than 15 are destroyed, the exponential growth really kicks in. A factor of 1.2 ensures the growth is noticeable but not extreme. With this enabled, a maximum of 25 [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] should be destructible on the map. Any more and the exponential growth gets out of hand.+  * Expon_Suppressor_Release_Factor: (Float) How much the destroyed quantity of [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] are raised by when Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED is toggled on. I do not recommend changing this value from 1.2 as it means when 15 [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] are destroyed, the player will have 25 additional power. When more than 15 are destroyed, the exponential growth really kicks in. A factor of 1.2 ensures the growth is noticeable but not extreme. With this enabled, a maximum of 25 [[cw4:cmod:docs:95cfe956-9d7d-4c4e-a00a-81c8c8b764e6|Power Suppressors]] is recommended. Any more and the exponential growth gets out of hand. 
 +<color #FFFF00>-End of latest edit-</color>
 <fs large>Power Suppressor Context:</fs> <fs large>Power Suppressor Context:</fs>
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 There are quite a few other settings but I heavily disadvise playing with them. Only the toggle for rebuilding terrain should be messed with. **HOWEVER!** REMEMBER TO REMOVE THE TERRAFORMING OPTION IN THE EDITOR BEFORE ADDING TERPS TO YOUR MAP! THIS CAN NOT BE DONE VIA SCRIPTS! IT MUST BE DONE MANUALLY. There are quite a few other settings but I heavily disadvise playing with them. Only the toggle for rebuilding terrain should be messed with. **HOWEVER!** REMEMBER TO REMOVE THE TERRAFORMING OPTION IN THE EDITOR BEFORE ADDING TERPS TO YOUR MAP! THIS CAN NOT BE DONE VIA SCRIPTS! IT MUST BE DONE MANUALLY.
 <tabbox SafeSelect> <tabbox SafeSelect>
-Makes all LAND units unselectable when loading the map outside of the editor, selectable when loading in the editor.\\ +Makes ALL units unselectable when loading the map outside of the editor, selectable when loading in the editor.\\ 
-This only applies to ground units though there are some built-in exceptions.+In versions prior to <color #00FFFF>v2.7.5.0</color>, only LAND units will be unselectable with certain built in exceptions.
 <tabbox PAC unit identifier> <tabbox PAC unit identifier>
 This script controls how much power the [[cw4:cmod:docs:4576bde4-8fe7-4c6f-bdd2-68f6782a652e|Crimsonator]] uses, originally intended to account for all units but I found it better to have that role be done within their respective CPACKs instead of just VPAC Main for sake of organization. This script controls how much power the [[cw4:cmod:docs:4576bde4-8fe7-4c6f-bdd2-68f6782a652e|Crimsonator]] uses, originally intended to account for all units but I found it better to have that role be done within their respective CPACKs instead of just VPAC Main for sake of organization.
 You can alter the [[cw4:cmod:docs:4576bde4-8fe7-4c6f-bdd2-68f6782a652e|Crimsonator's]] power cost in this script. Though VPAC is already very balanced in that regard so alterations are heavily unadvised. You can alter the [[cw4:cmod:docs:4576bde4-8fe7-4c6f-bdd2-68f6782a652e|Crimsonator's]] power cost in this script. Though VPAC is already very balanced in that regard so alterations are heavily unadvised.
 +<tabbox Buff Vanilla Enemies>
 +Runs while paused.\\
 +<color #00FF00>Added in v2.10.0.3</color>\\
 +Increases the health of all pre-placed vanilla enemies like the [[cw4:info:spore_tower|Spore Launcher]] to 10, increases their heal rate to 0.002 per frame, and gives them a health bar.\\
 +This is so additional units such as these don't instantly die when something comes along that can damage them.
 </tabbox> </tabbox>
-==== Post Gameload Global Scripts ====+==== Post unit runtime scripts ====
 <tabbox Default objective> <tabbox Default objective>
 This global script is responsible for automatically creating the <fc #ff0000>DESTROY RIFT LAB</fc> custom objective. Since there is only a single custom objective in CW4 this script has a on/off toggle in the event you don't want only the DESTROY RIFT LAB objective.\\ This global script is responsible for automatically creating the <fc #ff0000>DESTROY RIFT LAB</fc> custom objective. Since there is only a single custom objective in CW4 this script has a on/off toggle in the event you don't want only the DESTROY RIFT LAB objective.\\
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 This script can be disabled. By default it is not disabled. This script can be disabled. By default it is not disabled.
 <tabbox Auto Enable Connected Totems> <tabbox Auto Enable Connected Totems>
-Fills all Totems connected to the Rift Lab with what ever ammo ware they need. Sadly due to how [[4rpl:commands:getunitconnectedtoriftlab|GetUnitConnectedToRiftLab]] works this can not be done at the start of the mission, only a single frame after. This means you won't need to provide resource pods to activate the connected Totems for when the player begins the map. +Fills all Totems connected to the Rift Lab with what ever ammo ware they need. Sadly due to how [[4rpl:commands:getunitconnectedtoriftlab|GetUnitConnectedToRiftLab]] works this can not be done at the start of the mission, only a single frame after. This means you won't need to provide resource pods to activate the connected Totems for when the player begins the map.\\ 
 +**<fs large>However:</fs>** as of <color #00FFFF>VPAC v2.7.5.0</color>\\ 
 +These is a SPECIAL_ENABLE mode, set this variable to 1 to enable it.\\ 
 +Then, have a single Totem's UID be set for TOTEM_UID_TO_EXCLUDE. This totem is the same totem isolated in VPAC maps in the VPAC map making Doctrine of Vertu the map maker.\\ 
 +With both these variables set and ongoing, the Totems will have their shields on and full ammo on Gameload rather than a single frame latter from game-run-time.\\ 
 This script can be toggled on or off. It is on by default. This script can be toggled on or off. It is on by default.
 <tabbox AutoRemoveBuildPlans> <tabbox AutoRemoveBuildPlans>
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 <tabbox Launcher Selector> <tabbox Launcher Selector>
 Don't touch this script. It creates a MSGButton that allows the player to select all Launchers conveniently without having to hunt down a launcher to then press CTRL + A to select them all. Don't touch this script. It creates a MSGButton that allows the player to select all Launchers conveniently without having to hunt down a launcher to then press CTRL + A to select them all.
 +<tabbox Patrol System>
 +<color #00FFFF>Only in v2.7.5.0 and onwards.</color>
 +This is the script responsible for controlling the ability to make waypoints for units to patrol. It comes with a display that walks you through using it.\\
 +Please don't touch it.
 </tabbox>\\ </tabbox>\\
cw4/cpack/docs/f3d1b56c-fb68-49a9-909e-54931da7635d.1666789910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:56 (external edit)