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cw3:story_text [2024/02/15 16:00] Wepiumcw3:story_text [2024/04/02 12:22] (current) Wepium
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 And for that, my child, I am eternally grateful. And for that, my child, I am eternally grateful.
-====Before Diciding Route====+====Before Deciding Route==== 
 +**[after failing to stop the Arc from being revealed]** 
 +No! We failed!!! 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +Yes.... it.... 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +BEHOLD! All that has transpired has dos so exactly as foretold! The Arc Eternal is revealed at last! Bear witness to our mighty Nexus! 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +Brace for incoming, Lia! 
 +**[once the Nexus is done rising]** 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Greetings Imperator. 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +The Loki... at last we meet. 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +At last, Imperator? You are still projecting a finite existence. Open your mind, Imperator.... open your mind. 
 +Don't listen to them, Skars. They.... 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +SILENCE! We have silenced your primitive automaton so that we may converse more clearly. 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +She is right Loki, you are trying to deceive me! 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Look upon yourself, Imperator. Truely look upon yourself! Do you see A finite existence? Do you see a body made of simple materials? 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +I... no... this can't be! 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Yes. Did you really believe that some automaton had preserved a primitive human form for billions of years? you know this to be absurdity. Now you know your true form. 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +But I remember being a child, growing up, living, fighting the Creeper... defeating a Nexus. Platius saved me.... 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Yes, the explosion that the one you call Platius saved you from. How do you think he was able to do that so 'easily'. You never needed saving Imperator! 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Is it not the one you call Platius that was the deceiver? What did he tell you himself and of us? 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +He told me his people fought you and nearly won. He told me you were once a great race and that you peered into a dark and alternate realm and found something there that changed you and set you on this path of destruction. 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +And what do you think we found in that 'darkness'? 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\ 
 +He never said... I'm not sure he ever knew. 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Ha ha ha ha... we found YOU, Imperator. YOU were who we found. You told us of the Arc and of its potential. You showed us out purpose and laid out the path for all that would follow. 
 +**Abrax... Imper...???**\\ 
 +... My body ... just a projection of my choosing ... I remember now! I REMEMBER. 
 +Father. It's me, your daughter. I have been with you all along. Lia was my projection as I guided you toward the realization of who you really were. 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +The anomaly, 'Aliana Abraxis'. Yes, our hive considered that you might appear. Hiding as an automaton was clever, we grant you this. We should have detected your presence sooner. Imperator, you should have never created... 
 +**Abrax... Imper...???**\\ 
 +Lia... Aliana? I should have known. Your name, how you never talked about Aliana, what you knew about me... 
 +We see what we want to see, Father. It took me many years to discover my true form. You still have a choice, you can still choose to be Skarsgard Abraxis. Remember his life and what he stood for. 
 +**Loki Hive**\\ 
 +Nonsense! Imperator, all that has transpired has done has done so according to your plan! We have revealed the Arc Eternal for you! Now, join us as you have foretold! 
 +Father, remember the life of Skarsgard Abraxis. Remember him...
 ====Skarsgard Route==== ====Skarsgard Route====
 +**Abrax... Imper...???**\\
 +Loki Hive, I remember all now. Skarsgard Abraxis is a modicum of my full being, but one that has shown me a great understanding.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +I choose this form. I will not join with you, nor will I allow you to control the Arc.
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +So be it, 'Skarsgard Abraxis'. You have nothing that can harm our great Nexus. Stay, leave... it matters not to us.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +So long as we are here, you cannon control the Arc and use it for your purposes.
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +We have waited billions of years, we can wait billions more. Can you, 'Skarsgard Abraxis'? Can you? [Loki Hive Transmission Terminated]
 +Thank you father.... thank you for choosing the right path.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Aliana, is there nothing we can do? 
 +I don't see anything possible, father. That Nexus has a shield that no weapons can penetrate. Even if we could, the Nexus itself seems indestructible.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +We will fight on anyway, daughter. If we must fight for a million years, we will do so. But we must never leave.
 +**[after waiting a bit after picking Skarsgard's path]**
 +Father! Something just dropped out of Warp in this system. It's badly damaged and heading for this planet!
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +I see it... it's a ship. Platius... you old fool! Aliana, Platius must have set this mighty ship on course for this planet!
 +I will attempt to predict the crash site on the map... clear out anything in the way!
 +**[after the ship has landed (Skars)]**
 +The ship is ancient, it must have been preserved for a billion or more years... where, I don't know. But it is totally useless now, it's crashed and is just fragments.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Look at those fragments. In their midst, the plans for the mightiest vessel ever constructed, the Thor! We must obtain those schematics, they will hold the secret to destroying the Nexus.
 +**[after picking up the Thor Technology (Skars)]**
 +Amazing... This uses recognizable technology for the most part, though on a massive scale. But the main cannons... the construction is similar to the Dark Beam of ancient times.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Yes... of course. This makes sense.
 +The main cannons appear as though they fire self guided bursts of energy... an energy that will damage the Nexus. These cannons look as if they are specifically designed for this purpose!
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Of course it were. The Loki weren't the only ones who knew what would happen.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +But the Loki have prepared for this possibility, Aliana. They have surrounded their Nexus with a shield. This shield is impervious to any of their weapons we have, including the Thor.
 +Then we are still at an impasse... 
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Platius was always one step ahead... I don't believe he...
 +...Father, I think you are right. The impact of the crashed ship sent tectonic waves through the crust of this world. I show buried structures here, that may be of use.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Yes, the structures are the remains of ancient and primitive weapons, missile silos form a primitive culture. If we terraform down to level 1, we can access these remains. I can program the nano-construction packets to rebuild them.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Ah, you are as brilliant now as ever my daughter. Platius knew this as well... The missiles will fly into the shield of the Nexus and damage it. The Loki didn't design the shield for such primitive projectile weapons!
 +I'll indicate the location of the silos, Father. We must secure those locations and terraform them to level 1. Once excavated, hook up our network and arm the silos.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +The Thor may not be able to penetrate the Nexus shield, Aliana... but I sure bet it will help secure the area around those missile silos!
 +**[after getting to 50% on Nexus shield health (Skars)]**
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Your efforts are in vain. Continue with this annoyance, and we shall show you our true wrath!
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Prepare yourself for unforeseen eventualities Loki Hive.
 +**[after knocking down the shield around the Nexus (Skars)]**
 +The shield around the Nexus is down Father!
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Now, we will use the main cannons of the mighty Thor and destroy the Nexus!
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +We shall see 'Skarsgard Abraxis' and the 'Anomaly'. Now witness our true wrath.
 +**[after the Nexus's health reaches 0% (Skars)]**
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Nooooooo!!!! Impera.... tor...
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +This ends now, Loki Hive.
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Many... eventua... lities... Many... Impera.... toooooor. [Loki Transmission Terminated]
 +**[after the Nexus finally dies (Skars)]**
 +I... I'm speechless Father.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +And so it is done my daughter. Ten billion years it has taken, and now I stand as a finite being at last.
 +I'm not so sure about that Father. The Arc once made, cannot be unmade. It is here and stands at your disposal.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +This is a great power for a finite man. Perhaps as the Imperator I could...
 +...Father, I'm only just beginning to understand this great plan of yours, But I believe everything that has happened did so as you had planned.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Perhaps my daughter. Perhaps I shall choose to believe that. But even with all that I now know and remember, I'm not sure what to do next.
 +the Arc allows you to visit any time, any place, in any alternate reality. You can go anywhere at any time.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +But where would one go with such choices... who or what would one be?
 +I have an idea Father. Perhaps you can travel to 10 billion years ago, when the Loki first emerged into greatness.
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +Interesting proposition Aliana. And what will I call myself?
 +How about something familiar... something to honor one you always respected. How about....
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 +...Yes Aliana, you have always been very wise. I think I shall choose that name during my travels, at least for a while. It is all very clear to me. When I travel to times past, I will simply be called...
 +**Skarsgard Abraxis**\\
 ====Loki Route==== ====Loki Route====
 +Father No!!!!! No!!!!!
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +As foretold, my children, I return to you at our greatest moment. You have done well and pleased me.
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Welcome, our Imperator. We stand at your command.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +I now join you in the Nexus and will cleanse this world.
 +Father.... no....
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +You too may join us Aliana. You are of our kind, join with us and we will rule over all time as we see fit.
 +No, father. I remember the life of Skarsgard Abraxis and won't choose to forget.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +'Skarsgard Abraxis' is a part of my existence, much as a grain of sand is part of a world. It is something insignificant compared to the whole! Join Aliana.
 +Fath... Imperator, you leave me no choice. I must destroy your Nexus. You cannot be allowed to control the Arc.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +So be it, Aliana. After your destruction I shall remake you in a more compliant form. Some form of you will join us, of this you can rest assured.
 +**[after the unknown stuff has landed (Loki)]**
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Arhhhh! Imperator, the anomaly has done the unforeseen!
 +That's right... I did what I must to stop you. I destroyed my orbital ship, and converted it into defenses that will deny you the Arc forever!
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Ha ha ha... child, your efforts amuse me. You stand in my shadow like a pebble beneath a mountain, But I shal show you mercy. When these events are complete, I will remake you to serve me as I have promised.
 +We shall see, Imperator. [Aliana transmission terminated]
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Imperator, the anomaly has scanned our construction at the moment of your merging. From that it has divised primitive weapons that will damage the shield around our mighty Nexus!
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +The anomaly has also deployed itself directly over the Arc... It has created a shield around the Arc, that our weapons will not penetrate!
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +My children, have I not orchestrated all that has transpired? Have I not guided you to this moment? After all that has transpired, you DOUBT me now!?
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +No... Imperator...
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Silence!!! I hold your entire Hive in the palm of my hand and can crush it at will! Doubt me again, and I will erase your existence from all of history and replace you with another!
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Yes, Imperator. We are at your command.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Now, do you not see the weakness in her defenses?
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Yes, Imperator... We see it now. With your power our Nexus can move more rapidly than we thought possible.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Yes. I will guide our Nexus and avoid the primitive weapons. I will enhance the weapons of the Nexus so that we may destroy the generators powering Aliana's shield.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Once her shield is down, I will flood the are with Creeper until she is destroyed! Then I will control the Arc and all of reality will be at my command!
 +**[after destroying the shield generators (Loki)]**
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +Now Imperator! Destroy the anomaly's core!
 +No Father! This is our last chance! Remember the good...
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +I remember Aliana... and I choose ultimate Power! Now bear witness to your undoing!
 +**[after destroying the core (Loki)]**
 +Imperator.... Father...., no!
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Goodbye, Aliana. I look forward to remaking other versions of you at my leisure!
 +Father, I remember your life and mine... All the good that we did, all the life that we brought into being. That can't be erased...
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Already I have begun the cleansing! Goodbye at last Aliana. My new universe awaits!
 +**[after the shields on the Nexus go down (Loki)]**
 +**Loki Hive**\\
 +This cannot be, Imperator! Our shield is down and we are vulnerable!
 +Believe it, Hive.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Aliana! stop your assault. You must join with me so that we may rule over all of reality together!
 +**[after the Nexus has reached 0% health (Loki)]**
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +This.... can.... not.... beeee....!!!!
 +I'm sorry Imperator... I'm so sorry... If only you had chosen to remember Skarsgard Abraxis. I wish there were another way.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Ali...ana...! Save... me....!
 +Imperator, you mush perish along with the Loki. But you had the right idea in one respect. The Arc is now under my protection and with it I will choose to remake some things as I see fit.
 +**Loki Imperator**\\
 +Goodbye Imperator. I shall be with my Father again soon.
 =====Epilogue===== =====Epilogue=====
 +Transcript: 4281999 Part 1 of 2
 +Date: 1014, 0201, 144th C.E.
 +Newton Mont, Arc Project Research Director
 +Seloi Science Academy, Standing Council Directors
 +--Transcript follows--
 +Newton Mont: "Council, our team has confirmed your suspicions."
 +Council Director 2: "Then it is true. The Arc Exists."
 +Newton Mont: "Yes, Council.
 +Further, we have identified two means by which it may be revealed. One, we believe, is being employed by the Loki."
 +Council Director 4: "So the Creeper and the Arc are intertwined?"
 +Newton Mont: "It would seems so.
 +We also believe the Loki are aware of only one method to reveal the Arc."
 +Council Director 1: "And how have you reached these conclusions, Director Mont?"
 +Newton Mont: "For this, I present our newest nominee for the Research Fellow.
 +His insights led us to our conclusions."
 +Council Director 5: "Bring in this young man. We which to question him directly."
 +Council Director 3: "What is this man's name, Director Mont?"
 +Newton Mont: "'Platius', Council. His name is 'Platius Abraxis'"
 +--Transcript Ends--
cw3/story_text.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 12:22 by Wepium