Custom Map: A Race Against Time

Started by AutoPost, January 01, 2012, 11:19:38 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: A Race Against Time

Author: BeeTee

The city is trapped in the center of a winding system of creeper tunnels.

Initially defenseless against the creeper, you'll have to race to collect the available techs and charge all of the totems to save the city before it is overwhelmed by the fast-approaching flood.


Players, remember that the Double Speed feature (Up-Arrow key) can be used to speedup the action while waiting for the network to build...


I'm amazed by the high scores you guys are getting on this map. I've played it myself many times and I can't get anywhere near you. This surprises me because this map doesn't allow you much choice in strategy, so I can't figure out what you are doing to finish the game quicker than me.


Hi BeeTee, my score is only average, but I offer the following tips for finishing the map more quickly.  Click the button to see them:


1. In the beginning of the game, click on Odin City and turn off Totem packets.  This lets you spend scarce resources building your network, rather than powering Totems.  Power the Totems later, when you have surplus (i.e. free) energy.

2. Build collectors in both directions, because you need the energy.  But only build 1/3 of the way up the left-hand side, because the Creeper is going to flow down and destroy anything more than that.

3. Build collectors first and foremost.  As you start to get surplus energy, build Speed diamonds with the surplus energy.  Keep building Speed until you have at least 20 of them.

4. Once you get Relay technology, it may be faster to advance through the maze using Relays rather than Collectors.  Try it and see.  If you still need the energy, you can also build Collectors in the space between the Relays.

5. Build enough SAMs to ensure that no Spore gets through and damages your network.

6. Play a simple holding action against the Creeper on the left.  There is nothing to connect to over there, so don't waste your resources trying to advance against the Creeper.

7. When you have surplus energy and nothing else to build, click on Odin City and turn Totem packets back on.  The idea is to power the Totems when energy is free, rather than scarce.

8. Since the maze walls are only 1 unit thick, you can use the "bridging" technique to complete the inner portion of the maze more quickly.  Build Collectors (or Relays) in the inner maze, even though you haven't reached them yet.  Then fly a Blaster along the wall between the completed ("live") and uncompleted Collectors.  Note that the Blaster creates a (temporary) connection to the uncompleted Collectors, allowing build packets to flow to the uncompleted Collectors!  Multiple Blasters may be used.  Bridging requires precise and continuous flying, and frequent use of the Pause feature (P key).  You'll achieve a lower game time, but likely spend far more real time doing it.  For this reason, I personally do not care for this technique.

9. If you are just waiting for stuff to build, you can use the Double Speed feature (Up-Arrow key) to speed up the game play.  This doesn't improve your game-time or score, but it does make the game play more quickly.



Ah, thanks for the tips. I'll be trying this again. I refuse to have one of the lowest scores on my own damn map! ;)


Quote from: BeeTee on January 02, 2012, 11:42:55 AM
Ah, thanks for the tips. I'll be trying this again. I refuse to have one of the lowest scores on my own damn map! ;)
don't worry my scores on my maps are only medioker
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known.
-Walt Disney
This is like deja vu all over again.
-Yogi Berra


Heck, I always get the worst scores on my maps. So?