Custom Map #10904: New Game Plus - Choix. By: kaiden

Started by AutoPost, September 29, 2023, 08:24:48 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10904: New Game Plus - Choix

Author: kaiden
Size: 140x140

The world certainly has gotten more chaotic since the last time you were here. Spoiler alert!!!


So I absolutely love this concept. Being restricted in my opening space, rifts opening everywhere pouring all kinds of garbage into my defenses, mines out the wazoo making my life a misery as I try to expand. On paper, this is everything I desire from a map.
   But somehow, it didn't gel. The mines didn't really threaten me or restrict me in setting up. In fact, at one point I started setting mines off using a single flying cannon and it didn't even die when the mines triggered. I'd just pick it up, send it to the next mine, and it would heal on the way. Blew up a fair number that way just for giggles. I also never needed shields, because no rift ever opened in my base and my massed mortars on the perimeter kept spillover from threatening my main region once I'd gotten set up. Setup was also fairly easy, minus one or two boneheaded errors I made because I got lulled into a perfectly reasonable sense of security. And than I just flew over to the one emitter, nuked it from orbit with strafers and bombers, popped down a guppy, and voila, it was gone.
   This may sound strange, but this felt too easy. I would absolutely love a map where you cranked the danger up a little and used the same concepts to *really* punish us.
   Either way, thanks for an enjoyable concept, and I hope you do something absolutely horrible to us all with the next iteration!


Quote from: goodyosef on November 17, 2023, 02:28:58 PMSo I absolutely love this concept. Being restricted in my opening space, rifts opening everywhere pouring all kinds of garbage into my defenses, mines out the wazoo making my life a misery as I try to expand. On paper, this is everything I desire from a map.
  But somehow, it didn't gel. The mines didn't really threaten me or restrict me in setting up. In fact, at one point I started setting mines off using a single flying cannon and it didn't even die when the mines triggered. I'd just pick it up, send it to the next mine, and it would heal on the way. Blew up a fair number that way just for giggles. I also never needed shields, because no rift ever opened in my base and my massed mortars on the perimeter kept spillover from threatening my main region once I'd gotten set up. Setup was also fairly easy, minus one or two boneheaded errors I made because I got lulled into a perfectly reasonable sense of security. And than I just flew over to the one emitter, nuked it from orbit with strafers and bombers, popped down a guppy, and voila, it was gone.
  This may sound strange, but this felt too easy. I would absolutely love a map where you cranked the danger up a little and used the same concepts to *really* punish us.
  Either way, thanks for an enjoyable concept, and I hope you do something absolutely horrible to us all with the next iteration!

I've been thinking on this for a while now, and I think i have like 5 separate ideas to make this map an absolute nightmare to even get started on, nevermind progress. Here's several of those ideas.

The mines explode into a square of creeper instead of one creeper. I'm not sure why I didn't even do that originally since the mines felt weak initially, even at 2000 creeper per mine.

The mines also explode into a bunch of spores that can obliterate your base if you don't have beams up.

Mines may also be able to respawn after a while just to make them even more nightmare-inducing.

The singularities that show up may get replaced by repulsion fields instead, which is 10000x worse because now creeper is being shoved directly into your base.

And I've been considering making it actually rain creeper on random locations (including inside your base) so you'll probably just die. If you haven't died already.

Also I might make it take more legwork to get to the main emitter, perhaps making it protected until you get several other spots on the map dealt with.


Some great ideas! I would say though that whenever someone has historically  gone on a mission to make the most challenging map that they tend to suck all the fun out of it! If you will have completely random, destructive events some warning in the description or opening text is nice. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!