Custom Map #3289: FPS: The New Generation. By: Kaiden

Started by AutoPost, July 02, 2022, 06:18:41 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3289: FPS: The New Generation

Author: Kaiden
Size: 512x128


That was probably the best new map that was come out in a long while.  The new sleeper drones were really fun.  They don't have you focused on snipping the whole time or blocking your view. I also enjoyed that they are not bullet sponges but are not a threat that can ignore.  Wonderful map 11/10.


Quote from: yewstmlab on July 02, 2022, 08:23:15 PM
That was probably the best new map that was come out in a long while.  The new sleeper drones were really fun.  They don't have you focused on snipping the whole time or blocking your view. I also enjoyed that they are not bullet sponges but are not a threat that can ignore.  Wonderful map 11/10.

I had a good feeling making the sentries were pushing me in the right direction. I actually have 2 or 3 more maps planned involving those sentries, as well as some variant that weren't used.


I don't really like being one shot by something that is floating outside of my ability to fire at. Maybe reduce the amount of creeper they generate.


Quote from: ikkonoishi on July 03, 2022, 12:21:39 AM
I don't really like being one shot by something that is floating outside of my ability to fire at. Maybe reduce the amount of creeper they generate.

The sniper sentries were a bit annoying until I remembered I could use shift to sprint. With double sniper they die in about 4 seconds once you close the gap.


This map was GREAT! I love the new sentries, and that final boss was a delightful surprise.

I am really looking forward to the rest of the maps you have planned with these new units!


Great map. My luck with the Auto-build AI, once again, was terrible, as it got stuck at the half way mark of the map.
At the section where the player walks on top of a section of the wall, the AI built towers up the walkway, and the height difference caused them to not connect to the towers below. I had to do the remainder of the map solo, and then backtrack for the cleanup after eliminating all of the enemies. I tried deleting the towers in hopes that the AI would rebuild them properly, but the AI will not rebuild assets if they are deleted, only when they are destroyed.

I also ended up triggering the Nullify objective early, with 39 enemies remaining on the map.

Maybe I'm a bug magnet?


Quote from: InwardChaos on July 03, 2022, 11:10:11 AM
Great map. My luck with the Auto-build AI, once again, was terrible, as it got stuck at the half way mark of the map.
At the section where the player walks on top of a section of the wall, the AI built towers up the walkway, and the height difference caused them to not connect to the towers below. I had to do the remainder of the map solo, and then backtrack for the cleanup after eliminating all of the enemies. I tried deleting the towers in hopes that the AI would rebuild them properly, but the AI will not rebuild assets if they are deleted, only when they are destroyed.

I also ended up triggering the Nullify objective early, with 39 enemies remaining on the map.

Maybe I'm a bug magnet?

I had the same problem but managed to get around it by noticing there was a micro rift blueprint at north corner of the wall which I slowly built with fabricate aura and I got back into business, but yeah it was kinda annoying....

Nice to see some FPS maps tho, ive played almost all of em multiple times :D


Quote from: InwardChaos on July 03, 2022, 11:10:11 AM
Great map. My luck with the Auto-build AI, once again, was terrible, as it got stuck at the half way mark of the map.
At the section where the player walks on top of a section of the wall, the AI built towers up the walkway, and the height difference caused them to not connect to the towers below. I had to do the remainder of the map solo, and then backtrack for the cleanup after eliminating all of the enemies. I tried deleting the towers in hopes that the AI would rebuild them properly, but the AI will not rebuild assets if they are deleted, only when they are destroyed.

I also ended up triggering the Nullify objective early, with 39 enemies remaining on the map.

Maybe I'm a bug magnet?

Same here, on both counts. For me the AI bugged out at the yellow box area.
Also, you can destroy emitters with the cannon, not sure if this was intentional.

All in all a great map, looking forward to more!


Quote from: VuleJr on July 03, 2022, 12:12:21 PM
Quote from: InwardChaos on July 03, 2022, 11:10:11 AM
Great map. My luck with the Auto-build AI, once again, was terrible, as it got stuck at the half way mark of the map.
At the section where the player walks on top of a section of the wall, the AI built towers up the walkway, and the height difference caused them to not connect to the towers below. I had to do the remainder of the map solo, and then backtrack for the cleanup after eliminating all of the enemies. I tried deleting the towers in hopes that the AI would rebuild them properly, but the AI will not rebuild assets if they are deleted, only when they are destroyed.

I also ended up triggering the Nullify objective early, with 39 enemies remaining on the map.

Maybe I'm a bug magnet?

Same here, on both counts. For me the AI bugged out at the yellow box area.
Also, you can destroy emitters with the cannon, not sure if this was intentional.

All in all a great map, looking forward to more!

Yes, you being able to destroy emitters with your weapons is intentional. That's part of the sleepercore scripts. Also. If the autopilot AI bugs out, which I've dealt with once, the best way to restart it is to let the creeper flow back, destroy some units, and kick the ai back into action.


I liked this map, but the AI derped out near the end, as it ran out of entities to place. Perhaps some cleanup of inefficient energy grid to clear up spawns could be added.



The sentries being able to travel so far out of the map boundaries that they are untargettable feels rather unfun to me.

That combined with their ability to pile up creeper extremely quickly and the fact that a couple times they seemed to have a "unit death explosion" but still be in action -- maybe there were multiple sentries stacked on top of eachother? -- led to a death that felt rather unfair, plus more than one instance of having to retreat over a large stretch of map to lure the sentry back into the map bounds.

I think allowing them to still travel outside the map bounds, but put a fairly reasonable limit on that -- not sure how far, maybe 10 or 15 tiles? -- would make it feel "fair" while still being a surprising/unique behavior the player has to deal with.


That was a fun map...mostly. It was more challenging for sure. I mostly liked the newer elements. The one thing was I couldn't figure out how I was dying. With the floating (off map) enemies, it's hard to track them or to know that's where the attach is coming from. I think part of that is the nature of FPS levels. But still frustrating. It was fun to have the enemy split after it crashed.

General glitches that were simply frustrating:

  • I couldn't put down my ERN Port for some reason. So I was never able to use it.
  • Also, I did have to let the creep take back over a wall and a half section to get the AI to start building. Even at 4x speed and deactivating units in that area, it took a while.
  • Lastly, this might just be me, but it was easy to lose the path to continue to the next wall. The totem towers helped but still easy to look the way with everything built up or creeper covering everything. The mini map helped some but was definitely frustrating, especially when you die from getting hit by something you didn't even see coming, causing you to spawn at the beginning.

But all in all, it was a good level.