Custom Map #10107: Nuclear Crater. By: Dark6al3a

Started by AutoPost, June 12, 2022, 12:11:44 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10107: Nuclear Crater

Author: Dark6al3a
Size: 135x135

A Massive Crater is in the middle of this Planet's Surface caused by a Nuclear Blast This time, There're two easter eggs, And they're extremely Hard to find! buttRcaT will make the PAC for this one Anyways....Enjoy!


I'm uploading at the same pace as rennervate now!

Spoiler on the previous egg's location

It's between a hill, and a vein, and only hurt by a Glider's demise

Waiting for Something to Happen ?

Loren Pechtel

How?  I simply don't have the power to handle the spore storm.


Tough start.
I haven't figured it out yet, but will give it a couple more shots.


2.25 rating, 2 Scores, and 77 downloads

I've accomplished something !  8)
Waiting for Something to Happen ?


Given tha fact that this was the hardest start i've seen for a long time and i want to show off a little...  8)
My way:

1. Let HQs land where they are. Only move south west (SW) one to optimze building space
2. Build collector lines FROM the other HQs to the SW along the map rim and connect totems. At the SW HQ get the storage, collectors and start building Reactors
3. Do not yet use the energy storage from the NW and SO HQs for anything. When they have a little extra energy while building the collector line get a Mortar each and a Sprayer in the NO (they fly to SW as soon as they are ready.)
4. When all HQs are connected get a forge,, ore mines, build a sprayers near the research store and a mortar in the south west. Also more reactors, use all availbe remaining energy remaining for those
5. Get 3-4 beams as late as possible, when the connection of colletors to the north breaks get 3 beams there (this base draws fire initialy and the beams fly south just before the 16 spores fire)
6 The eastern HQ goes back to orbit  when the creep comes and later lands close to the SW HQ somewhere in the creep where it can deliver it's enery until it restarts (repeat...)
7. Only get energy eff. in the forge initially. At level 4-5 start ore efficiency.
8. Have a lot of reactors, 4 mortars, 2 sprayers and like 9-12 charged beams ready in the south east when the 16 spores arrive... retreat back to the last 2 to terrain levels in the process.

As always, never waste energy, never delay building by energy shortage
Good luck


Oh, and btw. thanks for the great map. I admit i was pissed at some point because I thought it's impossible without tricks and then just tried 'one last time' ;)


Good job zar !

A Small Spoiler on the first egg

Place a Runner's doom somewhere on an altar pointing towards the crater

The Spoiler for the second egg is going to be with the next map
Waiting for Something to Happen ?


Wow, what a tough start! I am at the 15 min mark and well established but no time to finish this today  :(

Good job on this, look forward to finishing it in time. My start was:

Land one CN bottom left, bottom right and top right. Once top right has takem out 3 emitters and 1 spore send it back to orbit and then land top left. there is time to collect bertha, build a few spores and put a bit into the totem. When top left base is overrun I send the beams bottom left and CN back into space to assist bottom left.


Got there in the end, what a battle. So many restarts and reloads, even later in the game you can still get caught out if you don't keep an eye on the power. Proper Pro level!