Custom Map #9894: MG map. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, March 01, 2022, 05:38:07 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9894: MG map

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 256x150



This was an interesting one for me. Not so many tricks exactly (other than the usual guppy shenanigans), just had to be thoughtful about using your resources.

Martin Gronsdal


Quote from: Martin Gronsdal on March 03, 2022, 01:59:57 AM
Did you use  totems a lot?

Oh, yes, I suppose that's another set of tricks. Flying stuff around cleverly and not moving anything in a funny spot that doesn't absolutely require moving is like second nature on these maps now so it barely registered.

Martin Gronsdal

the thing is that in this map, totems should/could be disabled. They don't need to be used!


How do I get access to the inhibitor from here?


As far as I can tell there's no way for me to terp down the stuff near the inhibitor without access to an additional rank of range.

Martin Gronsdal

well, get the additional range then!

from the screenshot, there are two ways to achieve that. The boring one, flying back and forth... and the smart one ;)

thank you for playing



I also didn't find the smart way - lots of boring flying about!


ah, I found it!

there's something hiding in the totems!


lol :( i dont see nothing must be very hiden


There's a building spot hidden there...

Get your siphon building, and find the spot where to build it!

Johnny Haywire

Hey, I know this is an older map but I find myself really enjoying these somewhat-tricky maps. I feel less like a detective or psychiatrist and more like an engineer.

BTW, if the detective asks anything about my psychiatrist, you never heard me mention him. Thx.

Thanks for the map! =)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?