Custom Map #1448: FPS: The Sleeper Awakens. By: Heritor

Started by AutoPost, May 01, 2021, 07:40:21 AM

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Got into the inner section of the map only to get stuck on a wall, forced respawn only to lose the 70% health goal. Map was fun and would loved to finish it but after the 4th time getting stuck on a wall I just can't care enough... The skimmers were also a massive pain, regardless if the auto sniper is unlocked and not focused on anything else you can easily be stunned.


Loved the map.
Got stuck a couple of times.

But, the turrets didnt do anything to me, i saw some white ray towards me but nothing happened... was just another inocent thing to kill.

Also, having the auto defense at the start makes the whole shooting at mortars, planes, etc pointless, maybe make it cost more or only able to be accesed later in the game?
Or maybe make the mortar more dangerous and firing at you like 5 blobs but every 5 minutes or so (with some alarm warning) so you have to stop to deal with the incoming projectiles before going on?

idk, great map.


Avoiding getting stuck in this map is like trying to do delicate surgery on a patient perfectly when your hands have a randomly activating rocket strapped to them and when there's a room full of screaming monkeys next to you.


The Positive: I liked the unit design and much of the concepts.

The Negative:

Way too many of the guys on the walls. Should have been 1/4th as many. Made things tedious.

I frequently became stuck. Weirdly it happened more to me in the inner part of the base. Needing to dodge the stun things meant it was much more likely to get stuck somewhere.


The reset position was a good feature, but making walls 2 thick might help stop the getting stuck issue, as it only seemed to effect 1 thick walls.


Very frustrating start.  It took me a while to find a way to start that didn't immediately result in me being bombarded in creeper and killed.  I'm not entirely what made the difference, but I think it might've been spending my upgrade points before unpausing at the start.


Really enjoyed this map! Except that I had to respawn about 25 times because it kept "skipping" on to a wall and getting stuck. Enjoyed the challenge though!


It was a great map, and this format (Sleeper) has a ton of potential for awesome maps to come! That said, I'm definitely looking forward to the next map not having the issue with getting stuck on walls.

At the end I had a ton of upgrade points - enjoyable, but maybe overpowered? Then again, to beat the map, you kinda need that many.

The respawn could definitely use some invulnerability. A trick that works is to tap respawn, then tap+hold, then look straight down until you respawn.

I'll echo what another person said - it didn't seem like the eye turrets did anything. They shot that white puff at me a lot, but did no damage. Maybe it's because I had the evaporate aura?


This one was fun, despite the frustration of getting stuck on the walls. Holding shift helps a LOT.


When I wasn't getting stuck on walls it was fun. Overall one of the most frustrating maps I've ever played. I got stuck on walls at least 20 times. It was only through sheer bloody-mindedness that I persevered to complete it.


Had a lot of fun outside of the getting stuck part. Still love the multi-level and bridges. It adds a lot to the 3D Maps! Thanks for making it!


This is easily the most tedious and annoying map in CW4 (or ANY CW for that matter, been around since CW1) I've ever played.

- constantly being shot by enemies you can't see has never been a good idea.

- dozens of repetitive enemies on the battlements, boring and annoying in my opinion, though some people seem to have liked that

- constantly being stunned (especially in the beginning) without anything you can do

- got stuck about 40 friggin' times, sometimes without even coming close to a wall. The map being somewhat laggy doesn't help.

- AC Breeder stopped working at some point, but at least I was already powerful enough so that getting stuck was my only serious enemy

The worst about it, though this is not the map's fault, is that my brain was convinced I still needed to finish it. What an absolute and unenjoyable waste of time