Custom Map #1415: Pump Wars U3. By: UberWaffe

Started by AutoPost, April 26, 2021, 07:25:46 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1415: Pump Wars U3

Author: UberWaffe
Size: 512x80


Note: If you rupture the research lab you are basically picking the easy version of the map, but will not be able to obtain one of the optional objectives.



Quote from: Karsten75 on April 26, 2021, 07:54:13 AM
Where is Pump Wars U2? :)
I forgot the U in that one's name, so it was just called Pump Wars 2.   :)

Ranger Von Danger

I havent played the map yet, but I just wanted to say that your description for this map is everything  ;D


Map takes a while but is fun.  I thought the last half was going to be a complete slog, but the supertemple makes it fairly quick using some player stargates to move it around.   Also, I was amused by the reference to Auri Industries  ;D

Also ended up with a nice healthy stockpile by the end. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


Quote from: Durikkan on April 26, 2021, 04:17:57 PM
Map takes a while but is fun.  I thought the last half was going to be a complete slog, but the supertemple makes it fairly quick using some player stargates to move it around.   Also, I was amused by the reference to Auri Industries  ;D

Also ended up with a nice healthy stockpile by the end.
Glad you enjoyed it.  ;D
Those are impressive stockpile numbers. You could basically leave with your Rift Lab and destroy your factory and still fuel everything for a long time of full combat. 8)


Frankly, I quit. There were units that I could not derive how I should be using them.


Loved the map :).
Also, whats the auto manage on the omni minerrs?)(whats the effect of erns on them and on the temple?


Quote from: Karsten75 on April 26, 2021, 06:38:23 PM
Frankly, I quit. There were units that I could not derive how I should be using them.

The omniminer you place them on the white field and select which resource you want them to produce.
Theres the infinite storage facility and the stargates, which equalize/transport ac between them.
Anything i missed?


Quote from: alche on April 26, 2021, 06:38:40 PM
Loved the map :).
Also, whats the auto manage on the omni minerrs?)(whats the effect of erns on them and on the temple?
I can't say anything for the temple but i would assume increased AC production?
The auto manage on the omni miners will basically have the omni miners set themselves to what resources you need, if your factory gets upto about 200 of a ware, they will stop producing that and switch to another. it also switches them in and out of energy production as demand needs. but i am unsure if they have been modified since the original map.


Unless the way the auto-manage works was changed for this map, it will change when the resource is maxed out (basically if it tries to offload a resource and can't for a certain number of frames).  That works well normally, but wouldn't really be reached with the infinite storage building keeping the factory open.  So it's better to specify what it's producing manually. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


Quote from: alche on April 26, 2021, 06:38:40 PM
Loved the map :).
Also, whats the auto manage on the omni minerrs?
Omni miners go on resource.
But for the most part you will likely be using them for energy, with a few set to Redon.

Auto manage on miners will make the miner pick which resource they should produce by themselves. If you want a hands-off approach, then use that.
Manually picking which resources they should produce is better if you have a deficit.

Bluite you can get from collecting AC.
Greenar you can get from the Greenar Mother, and once you have some beacons the only real use for Liftic is powering up the temple.

Quote from: alche on April 26, 2021, 06:38:40 PM
whats the effect of erns on them and on the temple?
Ern on an Omni miner increases output.

The temple simply outputs AC. Give it more Liftic, and it outputs more AC.
Ern the temple, and get 10% more AC output. (Hence the bad pun secret message when you do, since it isn't really needed, it is just a small bonus.)

Quote from: Karsten75 on April 26, 2021, 06:38:23 PM
Frankly, I quit. There were units that I could not derive how I should be using them.
Which units are missing Wiki entries? I'll endeavor to update them.

That said, you don't need the infinite storage structure. It simply helps with storing overproduction. Build one somewhere in your base and forget.

I also completed the map without using the user portal. (The circular one you make with Arg and can move around.) But others have built two and used them to move AC around.

The temple is similar to the temples in the campaign. Give Liftic, get AC. It won't blow up though.


Is it just me or is part of the puzzle chain broken?
I have a Creepelisk that is not linked to any CreepeliskController.
Could it be a bug? should this one have destroyed with a previous Controller?
I litterally cannot advance without destroying it, it's stopping the whole link.

Edit: it's this one on the map, in tyhe picture, no controller links to it. the right part of the picture is the centre part of the map for reference.


This one?

or this one?