Custom Map #1324: FPS: Return to Bunker. By: Heritor

Started by AutoPost, April 13, 2021, 07:05:33 AM

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I get stuck at the first crimson chokepoint on the east side. The video I found of someone playing the map showed them . They seem to have no real issues getting through.

I have stood there spraying AC at the goo for 5+ minutes without it really moving. I can keep the circle around my feet clear, but that's about it.

Either something has changed in a patch in the past year or so, or something about the performance issues in this map make it impossible for me to complete. I have noticed major slowdowns in some spots, maybe my cpu isn't good enough? (I am currently running a i7-6700k@4.5ghz, getting upgraded in a bit)


In general, CPU/GPU performance does not affect the outcome of a game, the game is frame-bound, so a frame is the same for every player, regardless of how many (milli)seconds it takes to advance.  Most active players nowadays are on our Discord and you may find answers from players there on a different approach that may yield success. 


I'm stuck at that same point, every single time I make some headway, the skimmers come in and stun me or force me back or force me to fire on them which sets me right back to where I started. Not only that, but once I push it back to a certain point, it wont go any further, the regen is too strong.

As a side note, I'm a bit tired of games telling people to use Discord, in case you didn't know, Discord has a limit to the number of servers you can be in. If you have to join a server for every game you play just for support, that is going to fill up that limit very quickly...

Edit: I was able to beat it only by using 4x speed and getting up onto the walls...