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Started by mothwentbad, January 01, 2010, 08:43:48 PM

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You need an empty 2x2 square to build anything.


u mean an empty 3x3 square, and when ti comes to ground that a something is already on, if u raised/lowered one part under it ud have to move all of it to teh same lvl
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

I told them, "I want to add to the world."
They said, "Then learn how to use the editor."
I asked, "What is the editor?"
They said, "Life."


How about a high powered mortar that when fired on thin creep would damage the ground below it. The downfall to something like this would be that you could damage the ground in such a way to make it unbuildable (to uneven). However, in a tight spot this would allow you to blast a bit of a crater to give yourself extra time. The effect would obviously have to stop if you hit lvl 1 ground. that depth would be to solid to damage i'm sure. This would be a separate unit from the regular mortars and cost at lease 50% more to build. Just my two cents, not sure if it's any better an idea.


just a thought, what if you had something that lowered the terrain (half the range of collector?) but you cant build in it and once the creeper fills it up it blows up the mini hole thing, and now there's a bunch of creeper everywhere.

and yes im new just bought the game :D