Custom Map #5242: Run! (Impossible). By: Stoof

Started by AutoPost, January 04, 2018, 01:04:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5242: Run! (Impossible)

Author: Stoof
Size: 256x56

The creeper is coming, outrun it or die! This map is very close to impossible. There are no big cheats(hopefully) but you need a ton of smaller tricks that may take days to figure out and learn to apply well enough. The map should also take quite a few hours once you know what to do. If that sounds terrible then congratulations on being a balanced human being. This map is not for you though. Visit the forum for hints.


I may give a walkthrough at some point in the future if people want it but for now I will just give some hints. Note that the map is really hard and time consuming even if you know exactly what to do and you shouldn't play/rate it if you don't want to play that sort of map. Just move on to another map. Hints:

1. You have 3 Command Nodes for a reason. Use them all from start to finish, don't worry if they have to return to orbit every once in a while.

2. Mortars can stay on creeper for ever and fire without taking damage. All you need to do is wait until the mortar fires, then you pause, then move it, then return it to the same position, then unpause. It will heal as fast as it takes damage and fire at almost a normal rate.

3. When building a nullifier it is a good idea to stop supplying your units at some points and give all your energy to the nullifier. You can also slow down your mortars by disarming/arming them which will give more energy for the nullifier. Slowing mortars down can also be used to fight back digitalis without fully breaking it.




Dammit I've started the map 5-6 times, I still don't know how to even start this map.
Won't give up yet.


Awesome. I can give you my start. It contains some tricks that are useful in other maps as well.

I start with 3 CNs, one on each of the three island. Let's call them cn 1,2 and 3 counting from the left.
Cn1 builds collectors and then a mortar.
Cn2 builds a cannon that moves over to cn1.
Cn3 builds 2 mortars, one after the other. These start moving left and get resupplied by cn 2.
These 2 mortars should only be used to fire on the leftmost island, where cn1 is located, but should be resupplied by cn2. This can be done while having them on the cn2 island for a while but after a while you need to start moving them back and forth. Make sure cn2 survives a bit extra by moving it back and forth but you can soon let it die and just replace it by cn3. You can then alternate between 2 and 3 to always have a cn in that location.

It will be easier to kill the first emitter if you have these mortars helping out. The best setup i think is collector cannon mortar nullifier in that order. Hope that helps you get started :)


Challenging map throughout, its not an easy task making a map that is challenging until the end but you did it very well here.

I decided to make my main base on the right and then work back but some very careful digi control was needed, don't think my method is the best judging by my time.


Cool. Thought of this strategy but was convinced it would be impossible. Seems I was wrong. As long as it wasn't too easy I am just happy there are alternate paths. Well done.


really cool map! Once you get the foothold on the biggest island its a piece of cake tho. But the first fight is extensive!
I didn't use guppy like Domonic did, i settled both CNs on two near islands and flew them over the main base when they had generated some power. 2 blasters and a mortar can do the job, then pz berta and there we go! Will try with guppy next time i get to play.
Nice map.