Custom Map: When Creeper meets Tetris...

Started by AutoPost, April 20, 2010, 06:20:08 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: When Creeper meets Tetris...

Author: ang

I searched for Tetris, only one came up and it was a completely different design. If you have one similar to this I do apologize I promise I didn't rip it off. :)

I thought it would be an easy play but it surprised me...pretty sure it's a medium.


Oh boy, it was late at night when I played this one. I'm pretty sure there is a *much* faster way. If I remember, I'm going to try this one again after a night's sleep.

Fun little map, though. You have to stay on your toes, but never a real danger of losing.

Edit: Hmmm.. not as much as I thought, but maybe next time...