CRPL ideas

Started by Builder17, July 03, 2017, 07:44:36 AM

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Feel free to use these ideas if you want to

J wallsaver where player uses walls to fight enemy by bumping to it

Connected emitters like in
but more sleeper collector kind

Empty map with CRPL core that runs away from your two nullifiers and you need to make it go corner and nullify it

PAC build script Digi area under PZ size change
PAC totems shoot creeper when activated and could make digi connection to other activated totems
PAC digitalis cells shoot weak spores

Collector with digi in 15 x 15 area around it (done)

Cannon that shoots creeper or AC to PZ:s and totems

Creeper flood gates (pin fields) that repeadly switches on after delay off, after next delay back on etc. (done)

PAS (Play as sabotour) mode where you use evil tools to sabotage Abraxis units and help Loki to win

2 in 1 map that becomes to basic playstyle map after winning PAC part

Big map that has many islands, only one is uncovered of fog in beginning
After winning first island CRPL core covering second island gets destroyed etc.

CRPL indirectly attacking Abraxis units and flipping / freezing these

Play as AC man idea: You can move only to areas with AC in these, you need to find ways to get AC to new areas

Creeper height under 10 no weapons tutorial / every unit you build increases creeper max height with one

Flip creeper to AC and vice versa when creeper / AC reaches 500 height

Two directional slip emitters, if these have AC in their coords these move it to master emitter location 

Anti - digitalis, cannot grow into cells with creeper and slowly gets damage if touches creeper, damages emitters and other enemy buildings

Another variation on "rooms" : nullifier needed to open "doors"

Map where there are structures which, when collected/destroyed, change the creeper flow rate

Runner puzzle where you have to build in spots far enough from digitalis and runners

Spores spawning from random coords, even in middle of your base

Spore towers that target to pre-programmed coords always and are protected with AEs and void
like inhibitor in

Reactor core defence, you protect your base using 9 PZs in square formation

Abraxis interact CRPL what operate while paused, after interact unpause game disable interacting enable when game is repaused

Game automatically pauses after certain time / turn based mode

CW1 world where build space is always divable with 2 aka maximised possible building area

Increasing unit prices CRPL creates core under every new unit and core requests x ammo and then destroys itself

creeper mist / flying creeper, damages air units, use beams to stop it

Sprayer target digi CRPL, makes infinite digitalis to target for sprayers, can be bait to make sparayer shoot wrong place or friend

Emitter created CRPL packet that moves to special units via digitalis, to make these harmless, cut digitalis

CRPLCORE you give ammo packets and AC to, it uses these to create energy and AC siphons to remote locations (done)
also if there is no forge, core gives aether siphons

Indestructable core that creates always on digitalis if there is blue digitalis in its range

Maze with big voids to prevent bridging with void full of digitalis

Very heavily defended runner base with good preparation required to attack, if attack fails, digi growth area increass with CRPL (done)

Point mouse cursor to location you want attack with golems from Meso but creeper (done)

CRPLCORE that takes energy for every unit you build, avoid overbuilding and fight with as little buildings as possible

Indestructable sleeper army that you can with only by destroying their creeper or shooting their ammo with snipers

You and opponent both use same cheats

You choose from 3 or more linear paths not connected to each other and play all these one after other

Moving Abraxis units to other locations and not replasing these with new can cause terrible stuff when past returns

whole map creeper / AC multiplier aka multiplier terrain increases current creeper / AC in every cell with 1 tenth of it every 15 seconds
cause lot of conversations to opposite integar

Game automatically pauses every 5 minutes and when you unpause enemies get stronger, nullify enemies ASAP (As soon as possible)

Do not use terps to terp terrain upwards CRPL maybe it could get total addiction of all terrain counts in map and if increased do something bad

Building ruins filled with creeper maybe use CRPL

Terp terrain lower to get AC inside terrain to flow out

CW3 wall that teleports creeper over 100 height to other side of it CRPL

CRPL creeper creating borders of map

Edit: Abraxis PAC AI uses sleeper units to rebuild and count for victory


I don't know how to use these :(


Why post pictures instead of a text?

Anyway, I had a look. Do you mean you don't know how to code them or how to use them effectively in a map?

A lot of your list can be easily implemented in CRPL, some would be hard, and some I don't understand. Whether they turn out good depends greatly on the map design.


- Changed images to text

What ones of these aren't clear enough? Knowing that would help :)


So do you need help with the scripts? Lots of vague ideas, you should pick the one(s) you find the most interesting and develop them more.

Some that I don't understand are:

Quote from: Builder17 on July 03, 2017, 07:44:36 AM
Connected emitters like in
but more sleeper collector kind

Cannon that shoots creeper or AC to PZ:s and totems

CRPL indirectly attacking Abraxis units and flipping / freezing these

Reactor core defence, you protect your base using 9 PZs in square formation

CW1 world where build space is always divable with 2 aka maximised possible building area

Sprayer target digi CRPL, makes infinite digitalis to target for sprayers, can be bait to make sparayer shoot wrong place or friend

CRPL creeper creating borders of map


I think I am gonna have long break from mapmaking now :)

Connected emitters like in but more sleeper collector kind
Not sure, sleeper collector that connects to nearby sleeper collectors and gets stronger?
Cannon that shoots creeper or AC to PZ:s and totems, it's enemy, it takes creeper/AC under it and divides it for all PZ:s

CRPL indirectly attacking Abraxis units and flipping / freezing these, I don't remember
Reactor core defence, you protect your base using 9 PZs in square formation, would be something in style of attached image

CW1 world where build space is always divisible with 2 aka maximised possible building area, not sure why this is here

Sprayer target digi CRPL, makes infinite digitalis to target for sprayers, can be bait to make spraayer shoot wrong place or friend
CRPL that keeps making digitalis under it used for making sprayer target wrong place or help sprayer target unlandable place

CRPL creeper creating borders of map, all four borders of map would emit creeper from these

Anything else unclear? :)