Custom Map #678: Data Corruption. By: Decagon

Started by AutoPost, March 01, 2017, 07:55:23 PM

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Using the diamond ship as a make-shift bunker buster missile to punch a hole in the big defense platforms helped.
Spamming my Up+B Special since 1999!

Johnny Haywire

I see what you were trying to do in this map, and it's a pretty cool concept. I'm not a "rusher" so I just took all the islands as soon as I could and made a defensive line. From that point on, I pretty much did nothing until the big "Press Me" Button appeared.

I guess all the crazy defense in the back was for people who can't make their own defense (?) but it's kinda frustrating to see all that blue goodness swirling around and not be able to use it.  :P Also, a preferable victory condition would be to obliterate all the ships after the other structures are gone, but I dunno if that's doable. Still, I thought the map was fun enough, even though I just went afk for most of it. And if it hadn't been for the stupid allied ships drawing fire  >:( I probably wouldn't have lost any ships.

Overall, I still liked the map though not as much as the others in this series. I really appreciate your creativity and storyline (and good spelling too!), and I know you're just trying to give us something different... so yanno, props for that m8. Thanks a bunch for the maps!  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


All right - I'll admit it. I recalled ChaosMaters130's mention that the map could be beaten (thoroughly) before it being possible to win, so I had to try.

14min here, too (though if I'd waited for a full fleet instead of attacking at half strength a few times, it could have been shorter). By 15min, I'd rebuilt the Chips that I'd forgotten were destroyed, and started looking for this thread. Partway through, I alt-tabbed back and saw "WARNING: Dreadnoughts incoming!". I spent the wait typing here. Back and forth again, and yes... the Progenitor is up.

Fly over every lathe (would that the Geode did something here) and win.

Ramming, Decagon - the Diamond is good, especially with a vanguard of Chips to take MK7s and some of the hull.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.