Custom Map #377: Final Destination. By: the haXX0r

Started by AutoPost, November 28, 2016, 03:53:35 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #377: Final Destination

Author: the haXX0r
Size: 256x144

The Particulate esaped Redacted Space. Humanity wasn't ready. World after world fell to the Particles. Now, deep in a cave, The Last of Humanity waits for destruction. -- This is a SHIP BUILDING CHALLENGE map. DO NOT play it with the default fleet. you WILL lose. Make the most overpowered fleet you can. Survive. Good luck.


Played with the default fleet... not too tough  ;D

Started by waiting for all the particulate to take over. Once it does it will all bunch up at the intended starting point and emitters stop producing. You can then deploy your ship near the end and pick off both of the emitters closest to the core. Once that is done you can take the core with relative ease. Then just blow up all the ships and pick off the remaining particulate


There is reason to default fleet and custom fleet high-scores. :)


Yup, definitely doable with just the HQ.
Btw I didn't think you could submit maps that had not been beaten with the default fleet?


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


Thanks to Doug for the tip, I've tried to up it up a notch. I've managed to take out almost every enemy structure without lathing the core. Only one I couldn't deal with is a top-right emitter. I wonder if someone can figure out how to destroy it.


Enemy ships can be one-shoted by spawning on top of them while they are not over struc (I think struc takes priority when damaging your ship). Doppels cannot be destroyed this way and require isolating them from other dangers and careful ramming. On top three emitters - left one is the easiest, requiring only better range via amp gem; middle one can be taken out by multiple (like ten) HQ spawns at the opening to the upper-left of middle emitter; couldn't figure out the right one. I've tried to find a "sweet spot" like with a middle one, couldn't quite find suitable place. Trying to outrange it with amp gem didn't net any positive results either.
But I'm quite amazed how much could be done with stubbornness, luck and infinite respawns.
=====> This is a moderately pointy stick. You need to poke me with it once in three days if you need PRPL from me


Very nice - amazed to see this can be done with just the HQ
Sure I could do it much faster than i did too (~20m, all at 4x, lots of mistakes)


only need to take out one emitter, to the right of the Core, perhaps the dopple spawner too
lazers help take out dopples, and you can spawn on top of the solid ships to take them out.
Carefully positioning your HQ behind the flow/force lines means at least one dopples particle shots will go right past.


This is actually far easier to complete with just the mothership than any fleet imo :v


So, while I LOVE the idea of Custom Fleet Challenge maps, where the player ought to design and use their own fleet, I feel that this execution of the concept falls flat for a few reasons.

If I had to sum up, I'd say the main issue is a lack of strategic considerations, that there are few interesting choices to be made.  Let me try to explain...

The main challenge to the map is surviving the oncoming particulate.  Compared to that, the ships/doppels are weak and can be ignored.  There is no emergent.  No opportunity for omni tactics.  No stunners, no turrets, little space for maneuvering.  Just particulate.  In that aspect, by having only one type of threat, the map becomes less about 'how can I make an interesting and balanced fleet to deal with this?' and more about 'how many guns can I build and how quickly can I build them?'  A lot of elements in the game form a kind of rock-paper-scissors relationship, and things tend to get less interesting when all you can really use is a whole lotta rock.

Starting the player in a corner with a 1,000 energy mine only compounds this issue, as it allows the player to bypass a lot of early game considerations.  There is no need to expand, so cheap early-game ships can be discounted.  Energy is never a concern, so reactor-based designs can be ignored.  There is little build-up, with the game being practically being started at an end-game position.

And all of that is fine.  Balance can be very difficult to get right, especially on Custom Fleet maps.  But I find that most of all with balancing custom fleets, the biggest issue is the player's ability to utilize heavy lathing ships.  To take something with half a dozen lathes and several shields, and to have it just bulldoze enemy emitters.  Particularly when you can build/supply such ships from the very start of the game.  In that regard, I found the particle fight not about surviving, but about creating an opening for 1 or 2 such ships to skip over the landmass and stomp in the progenitor, therefore bypassing the entire rest of the map.  In the future, if you include a pivotal structure such as a progenitor, consider putting it in not quite so vulnerable a position.

Overall, for all the balance issues I find in it, I find no absolutely crippling flaws, and would put this map at solidly average.  Some good ideas, some not-quite-so-great execution, and a pretty decent effort for what appears to be your first map.

Good job.


Here's a hint for reducing your times on a default fleet run.
The left emitter is much easier to deal with than the right one!  That annoying ship won't bother you as much down on that side.