Custom Map #3862: Knowledge. By: tamrin

Started by AutoPost, August 18, 2016, 08:18:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3862: Knowledge

Author: tamrin
Size: 160x160

You should find the right way to start and than SURVIVE !!!!


how to do this? i going to get over run with a bunch of spores and no energy. ty
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A new tamrin map!! I can't wait to play!  8)


Oh, you still remember me and my maps :D that is nice :) so, for everyone who have problems with start, there is a hint.
You can collect something u need before you land in the corner. But you need to find how :)


Thanks for this.


It's possible to do four tech pickups, totalling 10 techs, before any structures go on the lower-right tile. It's still slow going until you get a Forge, but very secure.

Also, thanks for the free resources.

So much free energy, and Reactors, and a free Shield to boot! Possibly the Shield could allow an additional local tech pickup?

Edit: Having completed the map, I reccommend:

Save some time. Go left, then up, PZing the Berthas. Once the Inhibitor is down, drop a CN from orbit near the each of the two top-right Shield Keys. A pair of Berthas clears some space for the cheap Collectors nicely. Having secured your time, enjoy using the heavy artillery to clean up the remaining Creeper.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Having just completed I have just realised:

You can land a CN top right and collect bith the CN tech and the 5 techs. You can land a CN bottom left and collect 5 techs. You can land 3rd CN by beam tech and collect that and sprayer. Move the shield to the bottom relay tech and you can retirn the first CN into space and sitll have time to land can collect that as well.

Wish i'd figured this out before spending a very difficult hour on this!
Great map as usual, the start is very challenging for about 30 mins if you don't get enough tech!



I didn't think it possible without the tech-grabs, too many Spores, not enough power.

I grabbed the two batches of five, as well as the extra CN. That went to the unlimited Nullifier tech (obtainable only from below, three frames too late from the right).

Rather than Relays, I think I would attempt to get the Pulse Cannon. However, I didn't use the shield.

How did you manage it without the early tech pickups? I ran out of Beam power on the second wave from the pairs, even with having the third Nullifier building.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


My first go I played for half an hour and just picked up the nulifier, the bottom left 5 plus the beam, sprayer and one bertha. This is possible if you avoid the top right but I found it impossible. My base caved in just as the forge got going!


I had somehow gained the impression that you were working with the techs in the lower-right only. I can see that a Bertha could get you to the Forge, though, which explains it. Without, no amount of Shields can get you to the Forge, I think.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I grabbed the
forge and the sw cluster
. Took a long time to get enough upgrades to move with limited firepower.


I too don't think it's possible without early tech grabs. Tried that on my first attempt and I was no match for the advancing creeper.

Alter Old

Crude map. Very difficult to find optimal strategy. Thank you.

PS. Your maps always good.
As usual, forgive for my English.


I just like to say, i think your evil, This map was so fricken hard, but man, do I feel so great when I finally beat it. I hope you contiune to keep up the good work.


Yes, I will continue with creating new maps after long break and I am trying to make every map different :) I know that most of my maps are not easy but I think harder means better  :D


interesting map colors, but cannot get a foothold on the map. The phantoms come extremely early.