Custom Map #3168: It's Raining, It's Sporing!. By: Johnny Haywire

Started by AutoPost, February 16, 2016, 01:43:42 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3168: It's Raining, It's Sporing!

Author: Johnny Haywire
Size: 128x84

There's been some forum discussion about spores, so I decided my very first map should have a few. It's not an easy map, but it's not as hard as it may seem. Abraxis has picked a fight with a man of dark magic who has angrily banished him to a world of peril, insanity, and other scary words like doom and such. Help him escape and you can be the hero of the universe and win the respect of all mankind and stuff like that.

Johnny Haywire

After all the work so many of you put into making maps I felt it only proper that I try to do one. If you hate it, I totally understand. I don't have plans to make more maps... this one just kinda popped into my head after reading the forum post about whether spores do damage to your base or not. I hope you enjoy it, but if not feel free to call 212-479-7990 and wait for the beep.  ;D

P.S. - After I beat the original map I toned it down a bit and increased the energy packs to make it a bit easier just in case it was too hard. If you need hints

UPDATE - I recently posted a MUCH easier version of this map for my friends who get stuck on this one  ;).
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Dude I'm so glad that you made  a map! I'll play it as soon as my new exoskeleton is ready.

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆

Johnny Haywire

I made a substantially easier version of this map for my fellow gamers who might have gotten stuck on this one.

Hint: This map is more about being patient than being brilliant.

Set your sprayers to "always on" and go to sleep. Check how things are going when you wake up and you should see at least one way to win!  ;D
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Wow Johnny, you evil old dog, did someone steel your potato chips???

This was a tough fight! I won't put a spoiler yet to keep things interesting for people who have not tried yet.

Nice map, it is very rare that just finishing a map feels like an achievement but this is one of them, good stuff.

You should make more maps  :D

Johnny Haywire

Thx Dom! This actually started out as a kind of "test" but then I figured I should make a map outta it. Plus I wanted an excuse to share some funny pictures I found online.  ;D

...and if YOU thought it was challenging then I must've done something right! Yay and stuff like that.  :D Thanks for your feedback!

PS - Feel free to whip through the easier version to meet the "Witch Doctor".  He's... pretty strange-looking.  :o
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I was so relieved to complete it I forgot to mention the story line! It was, as expected, very funny!


Welcome to the world of mapmaking.

Remember: hard does not always equal good.  I like options.


Wow, this map. I couldnt figure out how to do it
until I found out you can actually place 2 units on Y. Then it was just relay + PZ relay + singularity in middle of H and after 4 cycles, the nullifier got completed.
Guppies aren't targetted by spores, so from this point it's just waiting to remove creep.
Damn this map :P But feels good to actually finish it (-;

Johnny Haywire

Quote from: jaworeq on February 16, 2016, 07:34:14 PM
Wow, this map. I couldnt figure out how to do it
until I found out you can actually place 2 units on Y. Then it was just relay + PZ relay + singularity in middle of H and after 4 cycles, the nullifier got completed.
Guppies aren't targetted by spores, so from this point it's just waiting to remove creep.
Damn this map :P But feels good to actually finish it (-;

Ha! I'm glad you beat it, grats!  8)

I put a singularity on the upper left of Y and landed on W. Probably several ways to do it though.
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Johnny Haywire

Here are a few helpful hints...

1) You only need 3 nullifiers on each starting island to clear those spores.
2) The spores do not attack your beams or siphons
3) 16 beams will block the spores from getting to your island if you build everything else behind the CN's (that leaves 5 for reactors and 1 for other stuff)
4) The Totem starts at 10x
     4a) You'll need a terp to terraform a spot for your relay to reach there.
5) Once creeper OR anti-creeper reaches 500 it will overflow into the void. Just so yanno.
6) There are multiple places to land on the enemy territory. It might take a few (lucky) tries to overcome spores.
     6a) A sprayer or two might help keep creep off your nullifier while it's being built. You'll probably need to build several relays as they will tend to get hit.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. I really didn't intend this to be super-hard. The first version only had 3 packs of 300 energy and I managed to beat it, so I figured it should be easier with 3x 1000 packs. The main difficulty (I think) is gaining a foothold on the enemy's territory.
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Johnny Haywire

Yay! 10 scores posted  ;D

Grats to those who made it through, and kudos to those who at least gave it a shot. The map IS kinda "haywire"
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Johnny Haywire

Wow, RrR... amazing time there! That's crazy impressive!  ;D
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