Custom Map #2948: the mystery.... By: theachevah

Started by AutoPost, December 26, 2015, 06:46:35 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2948: the mystery...

Author: theachevah
Size: 126x126

this is my first second map ( xD ) please do note that like my past map, this does not contain CRPL and i did it all for the sake of plot. #spores #sporerain #totemitter #hashtag #FACE


in the next map I (possibly) make i will try to apply some CRPL (or atleast try to) to test some ideas for maps. then again, thanks for trying it out, if there is anything wrong (bugs or anything) please do reply me.
What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!


Just a tip.  If you want saving the forge to be essential you should set it to zero in the editor.  As it is here a player can delete it and rebuild it.  (No reason to do that here.  It's easily protectable.)


And what about casual gamers? They don't like to rush for example to protect forge , if forge limit is 0.

Johnny Haywire

Yeah, I deleted the forge & rebuilt it next to my base just because I prefer the laid-back go-with-safety-in-mind style. Realized about a minute into the game there was no reason for it but meh, whatever. Didn't feel like restarting and I very rarely save games.

But Achevah... nice map especially if this is your first or second. Really nice. Grammatically correct dialogue even - I'm stinkin' impressed. You are an OVER Achevah! Thanks for the map  8)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?