Custom Map #2839: Tragua. By: Timothy Z

Started by AutoPost, November 28, 2015, 03:05:20 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2839: Tragua

Author: Timothy Z
Size: 256x256

In this level we venture onto a new planet, fight the creeper and collect samples of this new planet to find more information about the mysterious energy readings. Second Map: #2838 Inside The Crater I will check the forum of the most recent map released in the series daily, so please let me know of any Ideas or themes for the story you would like to see in the next map and it may be added!

Johnny Haywire

I really like your storyline development and the gameplay is definitely easy enough for virtually everyone who plays this. I wouldn't mind if you made future maps more challenging and smaller in area, but it's not a deal-breaker for me. The Thors, although unnecessary, did make it much easier. And you spell a bit more than 90% of the words correctly too, so hey that's a plus  :)

Keep up the good work, and thanks for taking the time to make these maps!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Thanks for your support! I love making maps. And although I'm American and I speak English perfectly fine, I made that map in the span of 4-5 hours so its kinda rushed so sorry for the typos. I'll proof read the text with more caution next time.

Remember I take suggestions on story line, themes, and level design!

Thanks again, everyone!


Hey Timothy,

Just played through your maps.  I love playing anything wit a story line,  so definitly keep it up.

One thing of note,  make sure have te creepers cover ground quicker or have more creeper nodes. 

Reason being, I was able to land one of my orbitals on the top of the far hill across the river and quickly build out enough to have power and overwhelm the two nodes near by and then attack the map from two different sides with support from the main base via Guppy's. 

I was able to do this to some degree on all your maps so far.  Its stil a blast and I rated them high as it is challenging doing a 2 or 3 prong attack succesfully (lots of pausing).  plus its a story line which is even better. 

The best ways to fix this i can think of are either:
1. more nodes that make sure every space is covered very quicly or,
2. limit the number of orbitals you can have to 1 (though i like the 3 prong attacks and having the option of moving different orbitals towards the front lines for quicker resupply)

Definitly keep making maps, there a blast.


Will do, thanks for the advice. I thought of this when I was finishing the map but I didn't really know how to solve it without making the level too difficult. I'll try adding more modes and tone down the creeper output aswell as limiting the orbitals as needed.

Glad you like the series! Thanks!


Ditto on fun game and good story comments.

The best advice I've seen on map size is "As large as it needs to be, and no larger".
A 256x256 map is going to take a lot of scrolling to manage, and almost never needs to be that size.
I had fun with this whilst building an almost perfect network grid and killing Creeper and Emitters as I went. No rush, just enjoying the game.

Look forward to more from you.


Thank you, Helper. I usually make my maps that size because its easier for me to not feel so claustrophobic, it also allows other people the space they need for different strategies or just expanding their network in general.

Thank you for the advice though!


I will be uploading the next level sometime Friday or early Saturday morning. Sorry, I get really busy at my dad's house.

Wake up - 5 AM
Leave for School - 7 AM
School - 8 AM
Finish - 2:45 PM
Get Home - 3:30 PM
Work - 4-7 PM, 4-8 PM, 4-9 PM, or 4-10 PM

I'm sorry guys. I'll work more this weekend at my mom's house.

Thank You for Understanding

Johnny Haywire

NO! You are not allowed to have a life! Games are more important!!  :P

J/K, mate... take yer time and thanks for your work on the maps. RL comes first, for sure.  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Thanks for understanding, I can try to work on the map later today if I can. My mom's side of the family is having their Thanksgiving this weekend though.

Don't worry I'm trying guys.

Thanks again!

Loren Pechtel


This is pretty good slog map. I actually defied the storyline and started out with a top and bottom simultaneous assault, so the message bubbles became out of order. It is indeed a bit on the big side but that also means I got lots of room for collectors early on. Can't wait to see more maps from you.
Twas a sad day when we mothballed Creeper World for Particle Fleet.