Questions about Particle Fleet

Started by Jacobkolstad, November 27, 2015, 01:21:15 AM

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Will there be a more upgrade tree, or will the upgrades continue the trend of the Creeper World series, where you can buy all upgrades from the start?
Since the two sides - spaceships and particles - are seen as two opposites (if I am not mistaken), will the particles have those mire-generating machines? Will the particles be able to create mire without using particles?


My reaction
Question 1. I really hope.
Question 2. Wat?
Don't call me meth guy

I don't have meth


It seems to me, at least as far as #2, that your position is completely wrong.  In the videos and stuff so far, V has consistently mirrored the player's abilities into the enemy side, even going so far as enemy ships now in the latest video. It seems as though the particles are stealing and impersonating the player... perhaps something story-wise there? As for #1, I hope so too. He has said that what is there now is not final at all, so we have hope yet.
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
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My response to your questions!  :)

1. On the blog V said something about that he is going to add a tech tree.

2. V said something about PRPL Scripting in the game so you could maybe make your own mire-ing device with PRPL. (If there is no enemy mire-ing machine of course :) )
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