Custom Map #2682: Alpine Adventures. By: Dp

Started by AutoPost, October 14, 2015, 03:43:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2682: Alpine Adventures

Author: Dp
Size: 85x135

Valley of the Bees This one is for stdout who gave me some tips and making a playable map after my first one was a bit tricky. Credit for PaC coding and template goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs.


Wow, I loved it. 10/10. That feeling when you split the map in half!  ;D


Really nice map with very even difficulty throughout the game.
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Great map!  It went into my favorites list.  It looks like one that'll have great replay value.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Agreed with above comments, this is a really great pac-map! Good use of terrain and even challenge. Most pac-maps imo tends to be either too easy or too sloggy but this was really fun!


Three times a charm! Just finished my third play through, and took a third path this time and finally got into the coveted third place position. This map stands out as a prime example of a nearly perfectly designed PlayAsCreeper game (in my opinion)  :D


Thank you all for your kind feedback.

stdout- I took your advice on board and tried to open up the gameplay as much as possible. It payed off, thanks. I may try some voids in my next map, I have a very rough idea but the graphics will take a while to get right.

I founf my first PAC map was not fun to make and proved to horrible to play. In contrast I had a great time making this map and it is fun to play. Lesson for map makers - if your not enjoying designing it, your not going to enjoy playing it!


Thanks very much for another map, Dp! Much appreciated - now I'm off to play it. :D


Thank you Linden, and good luck!  :D

stdout, you've been knocked down to 4th, get a move on!  ;)


Back in third where I belong. I love how replayable this map is.


First place! I feel like my current score is going to be pretty hard to beat.



Nice map. Didn't feel like using spores today, so beat it with just emitters. Have any more maps planned?


Thank Hubs

Yes working on another couple of PAC maps at the moment. Both requiring a lot of work on the terrain, using a graphics pen but still takes forever. The 1st one will be land only but then hoping to make one that utilises voids as well but need to do a lot of tests first to fully understand a few elements of the gameplay.

How about you? It has been too long!!!


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."