Custom Map #2670: Pain in the PAC. By: Dp

Started by AutoPost, October 12, 2015, 07:42:52 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2670: Pain in the PAC

Author: Dp
Size: 60x60

My first PAC map. WARNING - This is a very hard map. Credit for PaC coding and template goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. Thank you to RrR for testing. Small but very challenging map. There is strategy to defeat this map and should not rely on just slugging away with the Field tool.


Congratulations! Fun map. Good pace for the first 3/4. Taking the end became a brick wall struggle until I realized I could

delete all the spore towers, make them all into emitters and just flood the base.

I'll be replaying this to improve my time.

Thanks for the mission, and welcome to the elite club!  ;D

Loren Pechtel

It's got me stumped long before that point.  I get two more PZs, that's it.


Me too, except I can't even get another PZ.  :o

But! It's fab to see another PaC author, it really is. Thanks for the map - I'll keep plugging away (prepare for the longest time ever for a PaC map. :D)


Thanks for playing guys and sorry it's such a slog, my new map is a lot more playable. I deliberately set out to have a Nuhages level of difficulty with my my first one  and I think i achieved it!

My tips to get you going:


- Start by switching to the pulse mode for the emitter and target the bottom blasters. (use the pulse mode for all emitters in this game)
- Then take out the right blaster, always lay digitalis
- Then take PZ1
- Then add another emitter and support it with the 1st, use field to take out the lower and upper cannons around the 2nd PZ, build digitalis
- Then use field to aim for the collector supporting the 2nd PZ, should be easy to take now.
- Switch first emitter to spore
- Aim spore at very top of screen near to beams as possible, aim field from PZ2 to the top right.
- Once PZ3 taken put a spore on it, switch PZ1 to spore and use 3 spores to take PZ4

I won't go on but once you have taken the top, right and bottom left switch everything to emitter and take out the forge. Then switch top 5 to spores and start to attack middle left. Don't bother until the forge has gone as everything will rebuild quickly.

Best of luck!


You're welcome, and don't worry. Some love them difficult (it's light-weights like me who don't, but that's okay - you're still a superstar in my eyes! :D)

Thanks so much for the tips. :)


This was tough but not as hard as Nuhages maps. Takes a lot of timed suppose hits to slowly take out key defenses. Nice work Dp