Custom Map #2371: WhtuhMs88Q10.2. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, August 04, 2015, 11:17:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2371: WhtuhMs88Q10.2

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x93

Here is a little easier one... Have fun

Loren Pechtel


Anyone got any hints on how to get started?

And is that ore just to tease?

I got a reasonable distance just building mostly reactors and beams, but can't see where to go next, can't reach that centre top island, which is needed to stop the bugs.  And with the bugs still there, it gets harder and harder to do anything, and killing them just unleashes too much creeper to deal with.


RealAndy, set your CN in the middle and begin working outwards.  The creeper will take out the CN but you can replace it each time it gets wacked.  That is how I got through it.  Hope that helps!  Blessings  :)


I don't get it, middle?

My CN doesn't ever get destroyed, just everything keeps getting disabled by the bugs. And I can't get to the upper middle island to stop the bugs.


R.A.... sorry, wrong map.  Bad advice.  You are going to need to get your foothold on the island on the left side.  Build out some power and get two blasters up at the top of the left side to block the critters.  If you don't stop them there, you will not make any headway.  It's a matter of speed with my maps.  I always create an environment of "You better get some stuff blocked quick or you won't fare well".  Hope that helps you.  Blessings.  :)


Thank you for the advice, I finally got it, works well.  I really wanted to eliminate everything on the upper middle island and eventually managed to by:
floating the OC over it and using the singularity weapon to get rid of the creeper, and knocking the bugs out with berthas.

Loved the challenge, always good to find a level that takes some thinking to work out.

Loren Pechtel

For those being bothered by the bugs:

You can beat this map without dealing with the bugs.  Claim the left landmass then go south.


Quote from: pastor.healer on August 08, 2015, 02:40:24 AM
R.A.... sorry, wrong map.  Bad advice.  You are going to need to get your foothold on the island on the left side.  Build out some power and get two blasters up at the top of the left side to block the critters.  If you don't stop them there, you will not make any headway.  It's a matter of speed with my maps.  I always create an environment of "You better get some stuff blocked quick or you won't fare well".  Hope that helps you.  Blessings.  :)
You should try playing one of your maps on a ten year old computer.  I think you will find not everyone can build fast.  And you should build some variability into your maps. 
The true measure of a great map is seconds, minutes, hours until the player finishes. 
Not gives up early, because there is no way to get a foothold.

Making it possible to nullify the spore & runner island at mid game would be a perfect example.
I respect those who quote me the least.


Quote from: Tero on August 10, 2015, 02:39:10 AM
You should try playing one of your maps on a ten year old computer.  I think you will find not everyone can build fast.  And you should build some variability into your maps. 
The true measure of a great map is seconds, minutes, hours until the player finishes. 
Not gives up early, because there is no way to get a foothold.
I disagree.  There are many ways to measure a good map, and a just because a map is good doesn't mean that everyone will like it.  Some people prefer finding the absolute fastest possible solution, some people enjoy turtling to build a massive arsenal, some people like maps you have to think through instead of brute force, and their personal preference will affect their opinion of any given map.  You may not prefer the gameplay needed to beat Paster.Healer's maps, and that is completely fine.  Other people do enjoy his maps, and that is completely fine, too.  There are plenty of maps that are tricky in the beginning but by mid-game you've already won and just need to clean up creeper; Pastor.Healer doesn't make those kinds of maps but what he does make adds flavor and richness to the available options in CS.  Just like the PAC maps and CRPL maps, it adds variety and new challenges.  If this particular challenge doesn't suit you then you have many other options that you may enjoy more.

And to your comment about variability, I find Pastor.Healer's maps to be some of the most variable out there, and while I have been able to beat only a few, I enjoy his maps and am very glad that he is contributing.


darzog -
Very good comments.
There are a couple of types maps out there that I never/seldom play, but there are always plenty of others for me to stay busy.
PH's maps tend to intrigue me (although I occasionally extend my vocabulary).
Some commenters make the mistake of taking a particular style personally, which they might reconsider.


You guys talking about me?  :)

Tero, I really appreciate that you are using an old computer.  I was there for a long time too.  Honestly, I don't ever consider what type of computer systems people are using to get through the maps. To me, that is the same thing as a web designer who build sites based on the size of their personal monitor.  That doesn't work out too well for the rest of the world.  I get it. The problem is that I have no way to know what is going to make your computer sing along fine or not.  My maps are not for the faint of heart with CW.  I typically build maps for those who want a challenge.  To do so, it takes more resources in the maps. 

Just know I care about you as a person and your situation with the computer system.  You might just skip my maps until you get your new full gaming system with all the bells and whistles.  Lord bless you.  PH