Custom Map #1871: Blood flower. By: tamrin

Started by AutoPost, March 17, 2015, 05:27:43 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1871: Blood flower

Author: tamrin
Size: 160x160

Can you save this amazing blood world ? :D

Loren Pechtel



You have truth Loren, this map is not too hard :) i will try make my next map more challenging :D


I have seen the keys before.  What do they do?


Map keys? Well in the campaign you need them to unlock next map. I CS they can be used to confirm the player has beaten the previous map, with the ArtifactCollected function you can check if the shield key has been picked up. And you can do something like if not the set all limits to 0 or something that forces the player to play in the correct order. J has done something like that with his unit map series. While there is no set order to beat them, if you beat one map that technology is available in all other map in the series.



A masterpiece of CW3 map making. So many paths to victory! After my first play it was a 9/10 and when I replayed the second time, I updated my rating to the rare and coveted 10/10.