Custom Map #1626: Nuhage N#56. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, January 19, 2015, 12:17:49 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1626: Nuhage N#56

Author: Nuhages
Size: 120x100

Play as Creeper Map N#3 Have Fun. Feel Free To Rate and comment on Forum. Credits For PaC coding goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. All you need for building a Pac map is on the Forum. #PAC


How are you supposed to beat this again?
There's too many shields and not enough power zones to progress...


This was very tough! The map initially looks easy but breaking through was a real challenge.
I found a way through was by splitting my attack in 3 and attacking the central base with 3 emitters all equally supported. I ended up using the 4 PZs in the middle and then just pushing forward to take out weapons one at a time. It was a slog!
By using a 3 pronged attack you divide up the effects of their mortars
It is also worth making sure that all of their sprayers are active as it drains the AC supply


[spolier]Yeah, I ended up finding a way to just push through with one fat emitter.  No idea how.[/spoiler]

Excellent grindy romp.

Loren Pechtel

I'm stuck even earlier.  I have the NW and SW firebases and the PZs in the N and S but I can't progress beyond this.  Spores get shot down by the PZ beams, I can't push enough creeper onto any firebase to take it (not that there are PZs to be had there anyway.)


Hey Loren


Have you got the 6 PZs on the left of the screen? You should then be able to get the 7th one in the middle on the firebase.

You can then support your most northern or most southern emitter to get the the PZs right on the top and bottom of the screen.

If you take both of those you will have 9 emitters and should then be able to push in the bases taking 2 more PZs.

Son't bother with spores,  the beams on PZs are too powerful!

It is then a case of picking off the bases one at a time until you get to the 4 PZs in the middle



Spores are useless until the end game, which like the beginning is very quick and easy.

You can take the N & S central bases with a bit of pushing. Once they start to go, they fall fast. These bases cannot recover once covered in digitalis. Then its a matter of pushing creeper out  and spreading digitalis.

The double nullifiers in the game are vicious. Make it hard to recover a PZ once you have lost it.