Custom Map #1169: Discovery - United Mining Federation (UMF) - 0. By: Somebeing

Started by AutoPost, September 20, 2014, 10:38:26 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1169: Discovery - United Mining Federation (UMF) - 0

Author: Somebeing
Size: 84x84

Using a limited amount of resources, defend your base against all odds. Stan Myles will introduce the rest. #CRPL #DiscoverySeries


Very interesting.
I almost never play 'limited' games, but this one was excellent - and I invented a whole bunch of new swear words while going through it.


It allowed me to discover just how limited the siphon is. If it was 500 siphons*500 ore it would have made it a LOT easier. Really awesome :)


i hate imposible games like this. there is no way to win get the energy
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Fantastic! 10/10

I like how you inverted the normal resource management -- normally games are primarily about energy and energy weapons, but this one was primarily about ore and ore weapons.

I loved that you started a wholly new storyline here. I got hooked into Creeper Word by its storyline, and I'm thrilled to see more.

I can't wait to play more maps in your series.

Niggle: as far as I can see, if you start out without foreknowledge of what's to come, (1) I couldn't figure out how to produce more energy as the storyline required, (2) I couldn't figure out what mining was supposed to be about (3) it seems impossible to win unless you know what's coming, start pumping out refined ore from the get-go, and make a beeline for where you know the plane is going to crash.


This was fun! Took me a few restarts to figure it out, though.

Small Hint:
Grab the nearest energy siphon first.

Medium Hint:
Once the siphon is built, pause and build every siphon and ore mine on the map.

Large Hint:
You have to hold the top-right corner until the nullifier falls on you. Put some pre-built sprayers to protect your relays on the diagonal between top-right and bottom-left. Use your ore wisely; if you just put every sprayer on "always on", you won't have enough where you need it. To leapfrog and take difficult emitters, you can put a sprayer in back to charge to 50 and/or use bombers. Don't build a bomber on a power point unless you're sure your situation is very stable; it takes a lot of AC to arm it. You don't need to build any sprayers or bombers to win.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: speef on September 20, 2014, 08:01:43 PM
This was fun! Took me a few restarts to figure it out, though.

Small Hint:
Grab the nearest energy siphon first.

Medium Hint:
Once the siphon is built, pause and build every siphon and ore mine on the map.

Large Hint:
You have to hold the top-right corner until the nullifier falls on you. Put some pre-built sprayers to protect your relays on the diagonal between top-right and bottom-left. Use your ore wisely; if you just put every sprayer on "always on", you won't have enough where you need it. To leapfrog and take difficult emitters, you can put a sprayer in back to charge to 50 and/or use bombers. Don't build a bomber on a power point unless you're sure your situation is very stable; it takes a lot of AC to arm it. You don't need to build any sprayers or bombers to win.

That's going to take a better player than me to execute.


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on September 21, 2014, 12:59:26 AM
That's going to take a better player than me to execute.

Maybe I phrased it wrong; I'm not any kind of super player. :p

I pulled all the sprayers back to the bottom once I had nullifier tech. Used a few to hold the line, and a couple to advance on individual emitters so I could nullify them. I was in the red on ore production the entire time, but if you put your offensive sprayers in back where they can't shoot anything in between assaults, they recharge to 50 ore and make it pretty easy to run up to an emitter.

To summarize the whole thing:
1) Sprint to top-right and set up sprayers to hold that corner plus your line of relays back to base
2) Wait for the nullifier to fall and be captured
3) Fall back to the bottom, and nullify all emitters one by one.


I'm surprised that after six months that I have not forgotten to code in this language. Anyways...

Quote from: Helper on September 20, 2014, 03:49:15 PM
Very interesting.
I almost never play 'limited' games, but this one was excellent - and I invented a whole bunch of new swear words while going through it.

I remember you!

Anyways, I have seen previous comments about how limited maps were not as impressive as those, as you already know most of the towers and the functionality's of the towers. Thus, I limited the amount of creeper and the map size smaller than originally planned.

I believe that the one exception to my statement would be the sprayer. It has three options, which I really never use strategically. I hope that in future maps, using them will really help fight back the creeper.

Anyways, thanks for playing it  :)

Quote from: DestinyAtlantis on September 20, 2014, 07:28:20 PM
It allowed me to discover just how limited the siphon is. If it was 500 siphons*500 ore it would have made it a LOT easier. Really awesome :)

500*500 = 250000 ore I think. I believe I just only put 25000. Still, I hope that was enough ore  ;).

While creating this map, I realized that I needed some sort of challenge to the player. Otherwise they could just spam bombers and sprayers and everything until they win. I proposed to limit the amount of ore (It used to be 2500 ore...), which just seemed like a different approach to a time limit. Scores already solved that problem, however.

I thought about using siphons, much like the energy, there would be much greater ore packets scattered across the map, hoping for the player to continue their onslaught or fail by just turtling all day long. Once again, just seemed to be another time limit. I tried the same thing with ore mines; didn't work.

Finally, on one of my other maps (Will upload soon) I noticed that the ore Siphon had a unique property. Unlike the energy packet, ore packets had to travel back to base to be converted into ore, and then reach their target destination. As the time to take the ore back to base was very long, I decided to place it directly (literally) below the command centre. I kept the ore mines as each ore mine increases the conversing process of the ore.

Anyway, thanks for playing this map  :).

Quote from: PMouser on September 20, 2014, 07:41:31 PM
i hate imposible games like this. there is no way to win get the energy

I'm sorry to hear that. As a first map of a series it is understandable that it should be easier than it is now. One of my regrets, really.

Anyways, thanks for trying this map out  :D.

Quote from: ljw1004 on September 20, 2014, 07:49:12 PM
Fantastic! 10/10

I like how you inverted the normal resource management -- normally games are primarily about energy and energy weapons, but this one was primarily about ore and ore weapons.

I loved that you started a wholly new storyline here. I got hooked into Creeper Word by its storyline, and I'm thrilled to see more.

I can't wait to play more maps in your series.

Niggle: as far as I can see, if you start out without foreknowledge of what's to come, (1) I couldn't figure out how to produce more energy as the storyline required, (2) I couldn't figure out what mining was supposed to be about (3) it seems impossible to win unless you know what's coming, start pumping out refined ore from the get-go, and make a beeline for where you know the plane is going to crash.

Glad you liked it  :)

(1/2) I understand where you are going at. First off, you are suppose to mine 800 energy, and then all of a sudden "Creeper everywhere". I forgot to add a piece of dialogue that explained what was going on. Do not worry, though, as the next few missions will mainly focus on the creeper for now. It should be enough time for me to explain the UEF's purposes better.

(3) Relating back to PMouser's point, this is why the map is so hard. The surprise creeper attack was my idea of making it "interesting", and yes, while it was interesting, it can really cause a lot of problems. First off, the nullifier-ship is hard to get if you have no idea of where it is, and if you know, you can beat the map very quickly. This makes the score different by around fifteen minutes. An easily solution to this is to display some sort of "target" picture designating its landing course. After a few minutes or so, it would land. Depending on how the player reacted to it, they could either protect the landing zone or build up their base. This is one of my biggest regrets on this map.

Quote from: speef on September 20, 2014, 08:01:43 PM
This was fun! Took me a few restarts to figure it out, though.

Small Hint:
Grab the nearest energy siphon first.

Medium Hint:
Once the siphon is built, pause and build every siphon and ore mine on the map.

Large Hint:
You have to hold the top-right corner until the nullifier falls on you. Put some pre-built sprayers to protect your relays on the diagonal between top-right and bottom-left. Use your ore wisely; if you just put every sprayer on "always on", you won't have enough where you need it. To leapfrog and take difficult emitters, you can put a sprayer in back to charge to 50 and/or use bombers. Don't build a bomber on a power point unless you're sure your situation is very stable; it takes a lot of AC to arm it. You don't need to build any sprayers or bombers to win.

Glad you liked it :D. Those hints are very useful too. Thanks for submitting those :>.

Quote from: Loren Pechtel on September 21, 2014, 12:59:26 AM
Quote from: speef on September 20, 2014, 08:01:43 PM
This was fun! Took me a few restarts to figure it out, though.

Small Hint:
Grab the nearest energy siphon first.

Medium Hint:
Once the siphon is built, pause and build every siphon and ore mine on the map.

Large Hint:
You have to hold the top-right corner until the nullifier falls on you. Put some pre-built sprayers to protect your relays on the diagonal between top-right and bottom-left. Use your ore wisely; if you just put every sprayer on "always on", you won't have enough where you need it. To leapfrog and take difficult emitters, you can put a sprayer in back to charge to 50 and/or use bombers. Don't build a bomber on a power point unless you're sure your situation is very stable; it takes a lot of AC to arm it. You don't need to build any sprayers or bombers to win.

That's going to take a better player than me to execute.

I leave my games on for an hour, upgrade all the stuff my forge collected from the totem, and win.

That's my usual gamestyle, really. I am just as great as the newest person to play this game.


Uh, yeah, i meant 50 siphons*500 ore, but now that i think about it, it probably wouldn't work, though i will have to test it.
And i didn't mean the 25k ore limit as quantity, but as how much of it you can get in 1 second (speed).

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: speef on September 21, 2014, 08:54:35 AM
Quote from: Loren Pechtel on September 21, 2014, 12:59:26 AM
That's going to take a better player than me to execute.

Maybe I phrased it wrong; I'm not any kind of super player. :p

I pulled all the sprayers back to the bottom once I had nullifier tech. Used a few to hold the line, and a couple to advance on individual emitters so I could nullify them. I was in the red on ore production the entire time, but if you put your offensive sprayers in back where they can't shoot anything in between assaults, they recharge to 50 ore and make it pretty easy to run up to an emitter.

To summarize the whole thing:
1) Sprint to top-right and set up sprayers to hold that corner plus your line of relays back to base
2) Wait for the nullifier to fall and be captured
3) Fall back to the bottom, and nullify all emitters one by one.

What's got me is holding the NE until the nullifier drops.


I'll admit, I thought it was a puzzle-like resource management map at first, then the twist happened.

Interested in what you come up with for the next map  8)
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