CW3 Freezes sporadically on MacBook Pro - OSX10.9.4

Started by studsmanly, September 10, 2014, 08:08:36 AM

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I have a problem where CW3 freezes.  No telling when it'll happen.  About once a week, it'll freeze.  Don't think it's heat related (don't hear fans).

It'll lock up and I'll have to force quit.

Any help would be appreciated

Here are my mac stats

Mac stats Hyperlink

CW3 says Unity player 4.3.3.f1


Nothing stands out as unusual from your system specs.  Sporatic hangs like that can be very difficult to diagnose.  When you get a hang, check out the game's log file before you exit and restart the game:

See if the bottom of that log file has anything interesting in it.  You can also post it here.  Note that the log file gets cleared each time you start the game so you will need to copy the log file some other place prior to restarting the game.


It happened again a few minutes ago.

No log is created when the game launches.  "player.log" does not exist on my machine.

Here's a screen capture of the location on my hard drive.

No directory or filename as listed here exist on my machine.

There's a file called "Creeper World 3_2014-09-18-114514_Noriss-MacBook-Pro-2.wakeups_resource" but I don't see anything strange in it.  I can upload the contents if you like.

Any ideas?


The log file will be under your user directory at the path:

The tilde at the beginning means to look under Users/your_user.  You can also launch a terminal and type "cd ~/Library/Logs/Unity/" to jump to this directory.


OK, I found it.  It was hidden. Lockup just happened.  I have copied the player.log before I started and deleted the original so the game would create a clean copy.  I have renamed both to xxx.txt and uploaded them below.

This is the original file that I copied before I started the game.  I didn't see anything weird about the files.

"Player copy at lockup.txt" is the log file when the game locked up.

"Player log old.txt" is the original before I cleared.  I put it here just in case you need to see differences.


The few exceptions in those logs are all harmless and normal (they are just repaint issues at a very high level in some of Unity's GUI controls).  Nothing indicates an application crash or anything like that.  That means it is most like a gpu lock up.  On windows this would typically be caused by a driver or by the gpu getting too hot (or both).  It could also be caused by some other app that does stuff with the GPU/driver (like screen capture/recording software, etc).

The only thing you might try (other than making sure your system stays cool and dust free) would be to run to game in a window at a lower resolution than normal.  Also, make sure other things aren't running in the background.  That puts less stress on the system.