Custom Map #286: Undiplomatic Immunity. By: planetfall

Started by AutoPost, March 11, 2014, 09:27:49 PM

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Quote from: tornado on March 19, 2014, 05:24:15 PM
In all honesty I don't even know WHERE and HOW to START

(Note:caps lock=emphasis not scream/shouting)


Start on the right strip of land near the Energy Pack. Also, as soon as the level starts (before your Command Node even lands), deploy the strafers AND bombers ASAP near that creeper emitter at the bottom making sure that creeper digitalis has no chance to reach the runner spawn nest thingy.
Quickly began to expand your network of collectors south and then using relays connect to the small island which has the nullifier tech. Then once collected, build a nullifier ASAP that will take out BOTH the emitter and runner nest.
And then meanwhile (if you have enough energy production) or after they've been nullified, begin to nullify the enemy totems and make sure you build yourself plenty of beams.

That all should get you started nicely.
Good Luck. :)


Thanks for the hint and the luck

I'm gonna need em!
Now CEO of Particular Endeavors.
We apologize for all inconveniences that we caused.
Quotefirst, you have to imagine a very big box, fitting inside a very samll box.
then, you have to build one


I'd begin by grabbing that Energy Pack and by nullifying the Emitter and Runner Nest on the Starting Island. I'd also plant a Reactor on at least one of those Power Zones, and populate those three smaller islands with as many Beams as possible. After that, Reactors up and down the side of the island. Energy, man. Dat energy.


If you're going to rely on AC much, send a guppy over to the middle tech shrine place and build factories on the starting island. They use energy, but produce more ore than fully upgraded ore mines which means a lot of aether saved that can be put into other upgrades.
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


I have a suggestion for that maybe in a later map you code the factory's to respond to ore mine upgrades
Therefore creating insanely powerfull ore mines

This may sound op but when ever I use ac I always run out withing 10 seconds
Now CEO of Particular Endeavors.
We apologize for all inconveniences that we caused.
Quotefirst, you have to imagine a very big box, fitting inside a very samll box.
then, you have to build one


Quote from: tornado on March 20, 2014, 11:28:05 AM
I have a suggestion for that maybe in a later map you code the factory's to respond to ore mine upgrades
Therefore creating insanely powerfull ore mines

This may sound op but when ever I use ac I always run out withing 10 seconds

Not currently possible. Time for me to pester Virgil about this...
However if you turn on both sides of the factory, as well as build a PZ generator on it, that should be enough for most attacks. It'll eat a ton of energy, but you can always build more reactors...
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


More power

You really had to make a reference to your first map
Which I ironclad canot win
Now CEO of Particular Endeavors.
We apologize for all inconveniences that we caused.
Quotefirst, you have to imagine a very big box, fitting inside a very samll box.
then, you have to build one