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victory conditions

Started by Aurzel, December 17, 2009, 02:18:08 PM

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i was thinking of a new set of maps and i though of this:
having more than one way to win, not necessarily survival or gather energy or the other conditions people have mentioned already, those too but this came to mind - sets of totems activateing on their own
i.e. say you have a map, odin city starts on the bottom edge in a depression, the depression branches off towards to 2 top corners of the map in a vaguely symmetrical way and at each corner there's say 2 totems, if you activate the 2 in the top left corner the rift activates, the same with the 2 in the top right corner, but you dont have to activate all 4 totems to win, it would give a way for campaigns to branch off into different stories
using the above example you could say that activating the left set would take you to one map and the right set to a different map, whereupon both the maps and story branches off to give multiple plots or even endings


Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.


yeah, i wanted to do a campaign using that but since i cant i'll wait and see what virgil says, instead i have a totally new and original idea for a campaign, but there's going to be a lot of maps to be posted all at once so i'm discussing with virgil the best way of getting them out, except to see them in the near future ;)


To add to this, Hold a part of land for an amount of time with the City.. Could but the city at risk, but offers a challenge. Or a type of Capture the flag. Where you capture it with a 'Flag Holder Turret' That must attack the flag until it becomes un-creepafied, than move on it. When it moves it slides on the ground so the creeper effects it. And also have Creeper emit. effects where they activate once the flag is picked up... So a creeper you thought was dead springs up and kills half of your outlying collectors... Can you imagine the look on your face? Ohh, and the flag holder eats up 3 energy packets per space it moves... so if you cant power it, it stops.
~Pew Pew Pew!~ 
Building campaigns from the echos of forgotten experiences.
~Pew Pew Pew!~


Heres a list of ideas...
Survival- Speaks for itself.
CTF-Hold a flag for a certain amount of time.
Defense-Hold a piece of land for a certain amount of time.
Help Survivors- Speaks for itself.
Energy Rush- Rush to get enough energy to power your totems to teleport.(Opens up an idea for the CTF totem thing that haloguy came up with.)
Storyline- You could have two or three colors of totems for a choose your own adventure kind of game.
Attrition- Last as long as you possibly can with the creeper getting harder the longer you go. No totems to help you get out.(Idea by Haloguy48, name edited by MrMcdeath)
Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.


Just thought of one,


No totems on these levels, and every minute the creeper gets stronger and stronger (by like 1.5x every minute) and the longer you hold the more points you gain. Starting from 0. Max of 999,999 points.
~Pew Pew Pew!~ 
Building campaigns from the echos of forgotten experiences.
~Pew Pew Pew!~


Err... you know, it is very limited by game.
Maximal output of Creeper is only 5 levels at every free upper space (on dot) at one time after that all added creeper is uncalculated and deleted; After that every dot of surface per turn is looked up for changes. So, it is not very easy to write "HD Creeper flowing" driver.
If some words of text in this post is incorrect or you can't understand it - my PM is for it.
Zero. This is lemma.
1+1=1. 1-1=1. 0+1=0. I = 0. -_-.


The creeper can actually have very high values.  If you play with the map editor you can create emitters that emit creeper that is very thick.  The elevation widget in the game doesn't show it, but that creeper is really thick.

To see this you can create an emitter in the editor that emits once every 10 seconds creeper that is 100 thick.  When 10 seconds comes around, a giant burst of Creeper will be emitted that will quickly start to spread.


you can see this in the map i have with thor tech in it, the creepers actually emit creeper 20 high, you can tell by how fast it spreads out


Huh? I hadn't use it, sorry.
...looking up...

looking up.............................done.

And so... it still cannot explode, isn't it? So it is futile - 20, 100 or over than 9000, because 8-10 mortars 100% stops it. Hint: on world of "Loki" I had used only 2 mortars and one blaster with support of 1 drone for "zero balance".
No pressure - no explode, no explode - no fear :)
If some words of text in this post is incorrect or you can't understand it - my PM is for it.
Zero. This is lemma.
1+1=1. 1-1=1. 0+1=0. I = 0. -_-.


have you tried my map? i'd like to see you bring in a few mortars and beat that