Custom Map: StairsHell5

Started by AutoPost, September 03, 2013, 09:54:16 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: StairsHell5

Author: bacura



How?? How you do this in 18 minutes or under ???


Quote from: jkukka on September 04, 2013, 02:59:53 PM
How?? How you do this in 18 minutes or under ???

By thinking outside the box (and knowing a few tricks here and there)


little hint would be usefull.  ;)


My time was under 10 minutes, and later today I'll try to play it again and post some screen shots (or post a video) of how I did it.  Basically you need to build as many reactors at the beginning as possible so you have the energy to start building lots of blasters, then cap the emitters.  Be careful of the emitters that don't actually breach the surface - they suck up as much as they emit so are no threat, but if you put a blaster there it will try to cap it and use all of your energy.


Yes I was going for the longest time ever on this map. . . . ;)


For the start, just build one blaster and then build up reactors.  I rarely build mortars to finish most maps.  Only arm weapons when needed, and only charge totems when you have spare energy.

At 3 minutes I still hadn't started to build out yet, but had plenty of blasters stored up for the job.  The next step is to cap off that first emitter and climb up there and connect using a floating bridge.  Once that upgrade is taken put a collector there.

I didn't bother going all the way to the left to finish it.


Ahh, nice trick. Thanks for sharing!