What are you looking forward to in CW3?

Started by Pyxis_GeeK, April 25, 2013, 10:58:05 AM

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Just remember.

Waiting for it to complete is better than getting it early.

Look at Sonic '06.

Now Looks at CW3.

I see you're now more willing to wait :3
Can't do ANY MapMod stuff due to losing my copy of CW1/2. Also known as Commander-Strife, IIIStrife, and StormyFacade.

CW2 Custom Maps

Captain Ford

I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this one yet.

I'm personally most looking forward to the ability to mass deploy units by painting them in a line. Building reactors in CW2 has gotten to be very tedious.


Power. Power! I must have more POWER!