My map has 200% overtime pending already

Started by WiseSage, March 15, 2013, 01:26:35 PM

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"Viscous Games" were submitted 3 days ago and are pending still... I don't know - may I create sequel or there are some troubles. The riddle seemed to be not so difficult to me first - you should only take in account increased viscosity of the creeper and how phantoms/drones aim themselves...


The problem is that no mapmod has submitted a score yet. This can have many reasons like it is too hard or too boring, are people are just not able to solve the puzzle. I'm currently trying to finish so it should be up in one or two hours.

EDIT: done, wait 40 minutes and it is online


I imagine most mods are probably busier on weekdays than weekends as well. Looks like you posted this on a Friday, so yeah.