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Score not submitting

Started by Kingo, January 02, 2013, 10:38:43 PM

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Hi all,
I was playing my custom map for the score to get it submitted, and I finally got the score, and I submitted it, but the system claimed I didn't submit it. Also, when I try to see if I can resubmit the score in my game the "resubmit score" button doesn't work.
This is extremely frustrating, I don't want to have to change my map just so the system will accept the file.
My score was 6666.
I have attached the file here.
This is the first time this has happened to me, my two other maps were fine.


I have the exact same problem i get through and submit a score and the system says that i didn't.
Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


I should add it's easy in the beginning but near the creeper pool it gets extremely tough.
Hint hint.
It's not impossible.
If this map somehow is able to get updated, i'll consider making more of these types of maps.


Just finished my own map 3 times and the website refused to let it through all hree times and i checked the internet and made sure of everything i want to know if there is something going on with my internet or if it is the server for knucklecracker because my internet finished loading a webpage for literally less than 3 seconds before i submitted the map and the website still denied it. And i didn't re-save the map or do anything to it in the map editor either.
Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


What name are you posting with and how are you determining that your score isn't being posted? Give me a map where you have posted a score, and it isn't showing up for you and I'll look at the database.


Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


Virgil, the name for the map is called "The Trenches." The system is not letting me publish because it claimed I never played the game and got a score. I clicked the submit button and the system should have let it through.
I've got a sneaking suspicion that somebody else called their map it and the database refused the game just because, or something went wrong. Just a guess however.
I have made another map, and just finished (took me a while though lol) and I am praying the system lets it through.
Thank god, the system accepted it.

Yup, turns out that if you search "The Trenches" on custom maps, 2 other maps come up. I suspect it's a database data handling issue, might have caused the system to reject the score.
V, might be a good idea to make the system check all the other maps' title strings in the database before allowing the user to submit the map. This is CW1, by the way.


Just wanted to say i'm having problems with CW2 but none with CW1 with scores.
Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


Quote from: Kingo on January 03, 2013, 09:00:34 PM
Virgil, the name for the map is called "The Trenches." The system is not letting me publish because it claimed I never played the game and got a score. I clicked the submit button and the system should have let it through.
I've got a sneaking suspicion that somebody else called their map it and the database refused the game just because, or something went wrong. Just a guess however.
I have made another map, and just finished (took me a while though lol) and I am praying the system lets it through.
Thank god, the system accepted it.

Yup, turns out that if you search "The Trenches" on custom maps, 2 other maps come up. I suspect it's a database data handling issue, might have caused the system to reject the score.
V, might be a good idea to make the system check all the other maps' title strings in the database before allowing the user to submit the map. This is CW1, by the way.

The name of the map doesn't mean anything to the database.  That isn't how they are indexed.  Looking at the scores database I see there are 7 total scores that have been posted with your name across all maps.  Two of the scores point to maps that only have 1 score posted on them.  This is highly indicative of maps that you played, posted, then never uploaded.

So the system has accepted scores from you, but the id associated with the map you posted the score on isn't a map that anyone else has played.  That is most likely because you played a different version of the map than you tried to submit.  Note that just re-saving the map will change its GUID.... you don't have to make any material changes to the map.  To prevent this, you have to ensure that you play the exact map that you try to submit to the server (the exact same file regardless of map content).


Quote from: ShadowDragon7015 on January 03, 2013, 08:54:27 PM
This one.

I need to know what name and group you are typing in when you try to submit a score.  You can email these to me at support@knucklecracker dot com

I don't see any scores for "ShadowDragon7015".  Note that if you are using any non ascii characters in your name or group, that could cause the score to get rejected.


Thanks for the info virgil.
I have used the save-rewrite function (I save the map to the same name, sometimes it doesn't ask me if I am sure and sometimes it does).
I submitted another custom map yesterday, and having resaved the file several times.


ShadowDragon is the name i use. Check these.
Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


The last scores I have from you are two on Dec 27, one on Dec 24, one on Dec 23, and one on Dec 21.
The error logs show all clean submissions for those and no errors with any submissions from your IP or using your user name.  Assuming you have tried to post scores since Dec 27, they simply never made it to the server.

Do this....
Take the map you made and tried to submit the score for and place it in you customgames directory (%appdata%\CreeperWorld2\customgames).
That will cause it to show up in your custom games list in the game.  Once you see it in the custom missions list, hover over it with your mouse.  A little blue 'r' will appear to the right of score.  Click that.  That will let you submit your score again (assuming you have a local score to submit).  Do this a couple times and see if you can then upload your maps.


That file doesn't exist. I even tried search.
EDIT: just tried submitting again still didn't get accepted.
Hiding the golden creeper for years to come.


The last score I have from you in the database is from Dec 27, 2012.  Think about what might have changed on you system on or after that date...
Also, when you run CW2 click on Custom, then Find Maps Online.  Does this page show up for you in the game?

Since I don't see any requests at all coming from your game, the most likely culprit is something on your system that prevents access to from the game.  For instance, maybe you have antivirus software that prevents unauthorized apps (things other than a browser) from access all or certain sites...