Custom Map #1372: Ring 'o Death

Started by AutoPost, August 22, 2012, 03:01:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1372: Ring 'o Death

Author: clbuttic

Dominate the Ring o' Death. Please down-vote this and other custom maps if and if you geniuinely dislike it, not if you suck at it. Please also comment on the map. This helps us get better, and gives you a better experience.


Dislike my map? Tell me how I can improve it.

And, thanks for playing it.

Some things that I dislike about it:

  • Too many mirrors available too early, it gets a bit easy once all three dark beams are up and running.
  • Middle left emitter shouldn't have the decayable ground, and the creeper density overflows (i.e. exceeds 2147M and turns into AC).
  • Global drone limit hit after around 20 minutes when the top gateways are activated, if the right gateways haven't been nullified
  • Center emitter is a bit easy
  • Miscalculated on technytes rewarded from crystals. Total reward should have not included beacon range or tech dome upgrades.
  • I was aiming to get the three paths to be a bit more of a battle that what they ended up being.
  • I changed my plan on getting out to the inner ring. Originally, I had only a single block (the one with the hidden AC), and a dark beam and dark mirror pick-upable tech, but I couldn't get it quite right. I was trying to create a one-and-only one chance, where the only option was to use the AC, and build something as quickly as possible, but couldn't beat it myself. Edit the map and see if you can get it right, I'd be interested to know how you solved this.


Overall a very good map.


  • I dislike that you get alot of drones at 25 minutes, with no warning as to the fact they will suddenly appear.
  • I dislike the 1k ore at the bottom, since I didn't start digging it soon enough and ended up spending 10 minutes watch it dig.
Best of luck with your game,

TheSmileyCoders YouTube channel feat. tutorials on using Treeviews in Access
I might have promised fool proof, but I never promised user proof.


See in-line.
Quote from: SmileyCoder on August 22, 2012, 08:35:23 PM
Overall a very good map.


  • I dislike that you get alot of drones at 25 minutes, with no warning as to the fact they will suddenly appear. :D Again, a short-coming on my part. This was mainly to accommodate the global drone limit, but I could have worked around this better.
  • I dislike the 1k ore at the bottom, since I didn't start digging it soon enough and ended up spending 10 minutes watch it dig. My apologies, I won't do this in the future.


I found this fairly challenging when it came to trying to clear out the outer ring. Had to reload from saves at least 3-4 times. But once I finally got a foothold there, I was proud of myself!

+1 vote for this map.


I dont see how you can use the dark beams, with out destroying the LS, so I cant see how to beat this map
I didnt rate yet cause its a good map, but hard
uh oh here comes the creeper, QUICK GET SOME BLASTERS READY! wait, wait, wai, FIRE! IM ON FIRE! NO, NO, NO, GET AWA (the rest was taken by the creeper, taken back and eaten)
I has a youtube channel


Dark Beams can pass through the LS without harming it in any direction and any section of the ship.  ;)
i only found this out a few months ago myself  :D
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Lol, i just discovered that the Dark Beam can go through the LS. I said to myself "I know that's not the right answer, but what the heck..." and lo and behold, the ship survived. Learn something new every day :)