Custom Map #693: Dagon 11: Teddy Bear Picnic

Started by AutoPost, January 12, 2012, 02:01:02 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #693: Dagon 11: Teddy Bear Picnic

Author: Peter Power

Deciding to take a break from their hectic schedule, Dagon and his crew stop on a lush planet for a picnic. But, the Idyllic serenity can't last... It just CAN'T!!!


This level requires some speed but shouldn't be too difficult. I included some hints below if you are having trouble:

Where are the Gems
One gem is 3 tiles behind the perched bird's head. The other is 4 tiles under the LS.
I can't get capsule 1 in time!
Capsule 1 is direcly below the tree. You have 1:23 to get it. Best is to dig out the tree stump and then directly down past the ore.
I can't get capsule 2 in time!
Capsule 2 is under the spot where the waterfall splits in two. You have 4:48 to get it. I used 3 blasters to cut the waterfall, moved 1 down and built 4 more plus a launcher to empty the far right pool enough to dig through 2 walls directly over to the left and get the capsule
I can't get capsule 3 in time!
You have 13:09 to get the third capsule. 10 blasters and a few launchers should get you there in time.


I ended up doing it considerably differently...

Capsule 1:
Almost immediately began digging through the shortest path through dirt between capsule and waterfall. (1 foliage, 3 dirt) If you're too slow packets will go into the creeper considerably before the capsule gets flooded. (Moving the LS down helps)
Capsule 2:
I cut off the waterfall with 3 each blasters and launchers; nullifying the emitter. While the nullifier was still building built 4 more each down along the right fork of the waterfall. (Blasters initially spaced along the fork, launchers clustered at its base.) Reduce the right hand pool (and empty the bowl where the falls splits) and advance til the launchers are killing creeper in the cave below the capsule. (I ended up nullifying the cave emitter too; but not until well after the capsule was recovered.)
Capsule 3:
I built 1 launcher and (initially) 3 blasters to cap off the tunnel I dug to get capsule 1. Then built more to start reducing the left hand pool. (also moved the weapons from the top of the falls once that emitter was nullified. I used the blasters to clean up the entire falls on the way.) Once the pool was sufficiently reduced I again advanced so my launchers were firing into the caves. (Weapon range really helped.) Once the right side cave emitter was nullified I moved those weapons around to join the left side attack. (Also moved the LS all the way down.) While I didn't actually nullify the left side emitters before recovering the capsule I think I had less than a minute to go for a complete cleansing.

The real trick in all this was to do the steps while still building reactors and tech - without deficit delays sufficient to lose a capsule.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Great story line and a very fun game to play. I hope the Engineer gets to meet a real girl one of these days.