Custom Map: Source

Started by AutoPost, January 08, 2012, 12:11:21 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Source

Author: bacura

stop the source of flood
creeper not so hard but technical


I overestimated the number of pieces I would need for the final maneuver, so I wasted some time building too many of them.

That was a very nice puzzle, thanks.


I also misjudged this one, and moved the city to the right side and isolated that side, only to find out I couldn't connect to the totems from that way?  So then I stayed on the side you start and tried that, but was hard to build enough energy so quit it.  I'll try again - maybe the best way is to just bridge across the wall, but I hate to have to do that.


I went to the left and when I realized the energy was to the right I decided to stay.  It was a fun exercise in resource management.

Then when I finally got the totems I was reminded that I was going to need the energy anyway... so I had to lose some ground moving the city back and forth.  In the end it took a while but I never had to use energy.

Edit:  I went back and redid it right side first.  Having the extra energy did not make it that much easier but it did let me advance down both corridors at the same time so it was quicker.


anyone able to finish the mission without bridging ?


I didn't use bridging (flying units to connect across a Crazonium wall).  Here was my approach:


1. Stay on the left-hand side of the map.  Turn off Totem packets.
2. Control the two small square Creeper pools.  You can save some energy by only arming the pool's Blaster part of the time.
3. Move the city slightly, then work left to cap the left-middle Emitter.
4. Start building up Speed.
5. Work up and down, then far right, to control both Emitter trios.
6. Build and place a surplus of fully-charged Blasters to control the Emitter trios (for when your network loses power).
7. Use a couple of Mortars to start reducing the right-hand Creeper pool.
8. Build an attack fleet of about 12 Blasters, fully charged.
9. Fly Odin City and the attack fleet to the right-hand side of the map.  Your network will lose power temporarily.  Use the Blasters to control the Creeper long enough to build Collectors to get the Reactor Tech.
10. Fly Odin City back to the left-hand side of the map and re-energize the network before the Emitter trios get out of control.
11. Turn on Totem packets to charge the Totems.


thanks CatoSterling ! Timwi has an awesome time !


Hehe, thanks. My method is different from CatoSterling's:


1. Go to the right-hand side first. Build a small network of collectors and three blasters. Get the reactor tech.
2. Go back to the left-hand side and abandon the right-hand side. Play the rest of the map normally.
(I didn't end up using any bridging, and only two or three reactors...)