Custom Map #2521: creeper wars

Started by AutoPost, October 03, 2013, 10:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2521: creeper wars

Author: killer11403

a simple wars


Please, tell me how to do this, i cant stop the drones and stuff, not enough room and time
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Quote from: PMouser on October 03, 2013, 11:44:55 PM
Please, tell me how to do this, i cant stop the drones and stuff, not enough room and time

This map is not that hard.
Build a micro rift ASAP (along with some reactors) and dig towards the nexus with it after it finishes(and possibly the two nearby emmiters.  Conversion bomb the creeper, then quickly build two nullifiers to take care of the nearby emmiters.  Then get the dark beam and some reactors ready, then focus on damaging the nexus, as killing it is an instant win.


There are no drones in this map...  ???

Plus, the phantoms spill out AC... So theres no real threat in this map ^^ If you want, take your time and work your way towards the nexus, if you couldn't already stop it in its "offline" state...


You can stop the nexus before it gets started (ie. "while still offline"). Add a portal near your ship then immediately dig down toward the nexus (there's a portal down there at the beginning of the game.) Add a shield to keep the bad creeper in place, move a conversion bomb into place and convert all the creeper in the nexus chamber. Then two nullifiers should finish the job before the creeper even begins.