Custom Map: The Super-Emitter

Started by AutoPost, June 05, 2010, 03:14:23 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: The Super-Emitter

Author: mthw2vc (Spare)

A map that shows it is not impossible to fight a 1000/0.1 emitter. Released with the "Spare" tag to keep it out of my series.

snowmaker (JM)

wow... little adjustments made all the difference  ;)


This is kicking my butt.
Trying with 6 mortars and maxing out the Reactors, but can't survive.

Any hints?

snowmaker (JM)

I ended up using three mortars and a few drones (just for fun). Progress slowly. I moved all the way north (keeping a blaster on the edge. Got the energy collection to ~30. Built plenty of blasters and started leapfrogging them. The final corner requires you to fill every possible space in that little corner to get a collector close enough. Good luck  ;)


Focus on energy before you build weapons. Get upgrades. Try to build your defenses as late as you can get away with it, and never stop building reactors.. I started with 3 mortars that finished at about 4:20, then started advancing with blasters at the six-minute mark. From there, it's a long, slow push against a wall of creeper. You're going to need a lot of firepower to make the final push.


Thank you both.
I intend to keep beating on this thing...a serious kicker of butt.
Fun to take on a challenge.


3 strong Mortars beats 6 weak ones every time.
Good tip.

Made a couple of dumb moves and lost both corner connections, so had to fall back and re-group.
A serious brawl, for those who like them (like me).

Ebon Heart

with emitters that strong... the ledge your city's on doesn't really do much. 4 extra terrain levels is nothing to an intensity 1000 emitter.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


Remove the walls in the editor, then tell me that again :P
As I'm sure anyone who has actually beaten the map can tell you, the plateau there makes a big difference.
