Custom Map: 3 Stripes v2

Started by AutoPost, December 07, 2010, 02:00:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: 3 Stripes v2

Author: scauxter

This is my first ever map, version 2. The only major difference is that I locked the city, so now you have to fight through the creep and get across the ditches.


You give me that much space to build and even an idiot like me won't take long to get out of there.


True, I gave everyone a ton of space to work with.  But it is my first map, and I know it isn't super-challenging.  I'm still learning.

I wish I could change the difficulty setting, though.  Maybe EASY would have been a better pick than MEDIUM.


Thanks for this map. No, medium I think. And better than the first version, of course...


 :) Hey nice little map, don't take too long, I like an easy short map sometimes, they can't all be 45 - 60 minute maps it would get pretty boring.
