Custom Map #1370: Deadly Hill Zone

Started by AutoPost, August 22, 2012, 01:01:04 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1370: Deadly Hill Zone

Author: Xindaris

Beware! A relaxed map that starts out looking simple, but has a few traps and tricks along the way.


I have little doubt that the idea I began this whole map with is probably the part that everyone hates about it.

Really, I came up with the idea for this map when I read in a map editor guide that gateways could actually cut through solid terrain. I wanted to make a map where the player had a certain degree of control over when a big attack came, but if they weren't prepared for that attack properly they'd get torn up pretty quickly. I tried to warn the player, in every way I could, that the gateway needed to stay alive until after the central area was open (and that it could and would dig through that bit of solid terrain); that wasn't supposed to be a surprise or the main challenge of the level.

The real problem, I think, is that I don't know how to create "screw-you-over challenge" without creating a gigantic slogfest for players who are fully prepared for the endgame section. I didn't want to just allow the player to wave away the problem with experimental tech--I imagine that just 4 conversion bombs could have made the center section immensely easier to clear, but it would have completely negated the idea of being prepared for the attack since even a player who hasn't set up enough shields, weapons, AC cushions, etc. can and will easily bomb a mass of creeper given the opportunity.