Custom Map #83: AC factory

Started by AutoPost, August 26, 2011, 05:01:01 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #83: AC factory

Author: J

With unlimited ore, you have to remove everything on you path and get the bunkers.


I very much enjoyed this map. The "unlimited" supply of anti-creeper was a very smart use of fields. ;) I think I kind of cheated, and using the beacon range upgrade, went up and over to the bunkers, instead of following the solid terrain. :D
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Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


it was really fun i hope you have more maps like this
creeper is here. it's here now. it will not last forever.


awsome map you got there. Very clever system for the unlimited ore. Looking forward to more of your maps.


Thanks :)
I just uploaded Creeper's battle that also has low energy and free AC, mayby it's on the site tomorrow.

Evil Roc


How did he make it unlimited AC?


Very strong fields converting the creeper into anti-creeepr
My CW2 Maps
My CW1 Maps
Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


Quote from: cclloyd9785 on August 26, 2011, 09:52:24 PM
How did he make it unlimited AC?
1) you could download the map and open it in the editor
2) you could watch the creeper movement and density in-game
3) by moving over 2147480K creeper it becomes negative --> AC


Nice work J!
It took some doing to download this map to a place I could load it into the editor.

After studying your technique, and many trials of my own, I discovered a few things.
Simple accumulation beyond 2147480K to turn it negative doesn't seem to work, i.e. level 4 fields pointing all towards 2 subcells next to each other doesn't do the trick. Neither does fields pointing in from only 7 directions, all 8 directions need to point in to a single subcell. Unless there is some particular example I haven't yet tried. In the process of this study I did learn several interesting points about fields in general:
- Be aware of overlapping field boxes, they all accumulate to one effective field in each subcell but you can only change fields in the active box
- Gravity, repulsers, and fields SHOULD (in theory) all add as vectors
- In some cases creep can sneak between fields in adjacent subcells depending in the direction of those fields and the influence of gravity/repulsers. Try several examples to see what works.
- Field movement faster than one subcell per game cycle (remember 30 cycles per second) can be use full to "instantly" transport creep and bypass obstacles in the way.

The idea of creep conversion to anti-creep and back has inspired a few ideas for a series of 3-5 maps I'm starting on, Thanks for the inspiration J!
There has never been anything so permanent as a temporary tax.


This is a unique fun map!

I didn't want to play against drones, with no blasters.

I thought I had only 20 ore, so my first time I got killed by the drones!

Next time It was more fun, and I bulled through, dissolving not converting the creeper.

So I did not win any speed records, but I did play this level like no other!


So you didn't notice you had unlimited ore? I tought the discription was pretty clear about that :P