Custom Map #4: Choice

Started by AutoPost, August 16, 2011, 04:19:44 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4: Choice

Author: virgilw

When... that's all you really have to decide.


How the heck are you supposed to beat this? :P


Shields, and time. Lots and lots of both. Just don't overly max out your energy. :)
And a tip. Go for the less dense ones first.
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Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


Get all your important upgrades before attacking any of the 1000M density chambers, and then destroy all your tech domes for more reactor space. It's not actually that hard of a map, just.. very long, and relatively little room for improvement or error


I'm working my way through it now; I didn't go for a high-score on this attempt.

I bought all the upgrades I wanted, and THEN i opened the creeper cells.  I surrounded them with shields, and used only enough blasters to stay energy-neutral.  So far so good.


Quote from: Zaggy on August 18, 2011, 11:49:40 PM
I'm working my way through it now; I didn't go for a high-score on this attempt.

I bought all the upgrades I wanted, and THEN i opened the creeper cells.  I surrounded them with shields, and used only enough blasters to stay energy-neutral.  So far so good.
Don't use blasters, use launchers. You might want to use blasters just to clear up the small densities of creeper after the launchers have done most of the damage, but for the most part you should be using launchers - they are far more energy efficient at doing damage to dense creeper, and you're relying on shields to hold the creeper back anyway.


I maxed out fire range upgrades and built nothing but launchers.  Even then, I had to build a very thick shield container around the top creeper nodes.    Your problem is energy over time to take out the top nodes.  You can store energy in an upgraded tank, and you should also build reactors everywhere possible (and upgrade energy production).  For me, I still needed more energy before my shield matrix would fail.  So, I built and charged a bunch of launchers that weren't initially in range.  Their held ammo was what I needed to finish off a node.

Also, saving the game after you have taken out all but the top super dense creeper nodes is a wise idea....


Yea I beat it by getting all reactor, energy, and weapon upgrades before attacking the 1B, and had about 10 shield thick wall (collectivly).  It wasnt that thick originally but I moved it out as they broke them.


Quote from: Kithros on August 18, 2011, 11:53:02 PM
Quote from: Zaggy on August 18, 2011, 11:49:40 PM
I'm working my way through it now; I didn't go for a high-score on this attempt.

I bought all the upgrades I wanted, and THEN i opened the creeper cells.  I surrounded them with shields, and used only enough blasters to stay energy-neutral.  So far so good.
Don't use blasters, use launchers. You might want to use blasters just to clear up the small densities of creeper after the launchers have done most of the damage, but for the most part you should be using launchers - they are far more energy efficient at doing damage to dense creeper, and you're relying on shields to hold the creeper back anyway.
Crap; I meant launchers.  :)


Did pretty much what everyone else said. Kept my shields to 4 thick and out of the top 3 spots only on the top right did they manage to get through. Had some blasters on standby just incase of that happening so no sweat. Came in at just over an hour.


Geez Virgil...

Who p***ed in your cheerios! The maps in CW2 have been much, much, much harder, and a helluva lot more fun  ;D.

Keep up the fantastic work.



Fun map Virgil, the start can be a little boring
but after that its pretty fun!  ;)
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
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